Page 73 of Light My Fire

“Thank you. I needed to hear that. I don’t plan on repeating this with them or anyone else. I just want to live in the moment.”

“When life hands you hotties, get naked.”

“I can’t argue with that.”

We end the call, and I take a deep breath.

I want to have sex with Luke, too. I can admit it.

I doubt it will happen, but I am really, really curious as to why the three of them think I need to be shielded from him.

Sophie is right.

Whatever happens, happens.



Today just about killed me.

Brooke is different today.

She’s more confident, she’s laughing easily, she’s walking around in ass-hugging leggings with a sway in her hips that didn’t exist before.

She’s been thoroughly fucked and loved by two guys, and itshows.

It’s as if this weekend allowed her to unleash the power of her pent up sexuality all in one big sexy swoop and she feels her own power. She’s owning her body and all its needs and damn it, that is sohot.

It’s fucking with my head and my dick, and everything in between, so yes, even my heart.

Because seeing her glowing—Jesus, she’sglowing—makes me really damn happy for her.

And really, really angry with myself.

If I wasn’t such an emotional black hole, I could be enjoying her smile and her teasing and her body right now, too. Instead, I’m shoving an endless supply of chips and guacamole into my mouth and trying not to say something we’ll both regret.

Like “Bend over this couchnow,” or “I bet you look gorgeous on your knees sucking my cock.” Or even “Take that dick like a good girl.”

I don’t know for certain what Wyatt and Jackson have said to her privately, but maybe none of those.

They also probably haven’t tied her up, which is something I cannot get out of my head. I want her hands wrapped above her head and her legs spread wide, each ankle secured to a side of the bed. My bed.

I don’t think our newly deflowered virgin is ready for all that.

Brooke laughs, a high hearty laugh of pure joy as she accepts a chip loaded with guacamole from Wyatt, him feeding it to her in a way that makes me rage. She flicks her tongue over his finger and his blue eyes darken. Then her perfect pink lips close around his fingers and lightly suck.

I wonder if she’s sucked his cock yet. Or Jackson’s, wrapping that pretty mouth around a thick erection, learning to open her throat to please a man by taking him deep.

Wyatt pulls his finger away and kisses her.

I turn and head to the refrigerator for a beer I don’t need or want.

But I can’t watch.

I swear to God, she actually smells like sex, even though she’s showered and that’s not possible. But it’s like the cork was popped and all her endorphins are filling the whole damn cabin and it’s not fair that I’m the lone idiot jerking off in my shower while everyone else is fucking.

It’s also possible I’ve passed the point of being rational.