I’m speechless. Especially when Luke’s eyes narrow and he glares at Wyatt. He grabs the handle of his suitcase and heads to the stairs without another word. He actually skips the first two steps as he jogs up them.
“First door on the left is available,” I call out after him. “Wyatt, you can take the first room on the right. Jackson, second door on the right.”
“Thanks, Brooke,” Wyatt says, bounding up the stairs after Luke. “Be right back.”
Jackson pauses at the bottom of the stairs and gives me a friendly smile. “Yeah, thanks, Brooke. Where is your room, by the way?”
“Down here. I have the primary suite.” Thank God. I wouldn’t sleep at all if I knew these guys were sleeping a few feet away from me.
Jackson grins. “Probably for the best. Do you like steak?”
“Excellent. We’ll fire up the grill in ten minutes.” He walks over by the front door and stacks a box on a cooler before picking them both up.
I see they have several bags and boxes. “Let me help.”
“Nah. You keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t let us throw you off your plans.”
That’s comical.
I’mdefinitelythrown off. I’m so far off I’ve gone over the cliff.
I still take three grocery bags and haul them onto the kitchen island. Then I realize I really need to wash my hands. I grab my phone off of the dining room table and say, “Be back in a second,” to Jackson before fast-walking to my bedroom.
I close the door behind me and head into the bathroom. I wash my hands until they’re free of snack food residue and pick up my phone to text my grandmother.
Warned you about what, sweetie?
Why are you yelling? And why would I warn you, just so you could just hop on the first plane out of there before they even showed up?
Where’s the fun in that?
You’re not at all concerned that your granddaughter is alone in a cabin with three grown men?
They’re all nice boys. They’re Aidan’s good friends and your brother likes them, too.
I do trust Aidan, who is dating my brother’s wife, and my brother, to not be friends with jerks. But I can’t let her comment slide.
Luke is like forty. He’s not a boy.
He’s aman. A man who didn’t look thrilled to have me sharing their guys’ weekend cabin.
Gran texts back.
I’m seventy-six. That’s a boy to me.
Not to me!
So set your cap on Wyatt. I bet the two of you have a lot in common. I understand he’s mechanically inclined.
And I like animals and books, so what the heck is she talking about? That has nothing to do with mechanics. The woman makes no sense. I also have no idea how to “set my cap” on anyone, whatever that means.