Page 27 of Light My Fire

“Shit,” I grumble, eyeing Jackson’s straight. Not even a flush.

He shakes his head. “This is the worst I’ve ever seen you play poker.”

“It really is,” Wyatt says. “Maybe Brooke is right and you’re getting sick.”

“I’m not sick.” Irritated, I shove my chair back. “I need to take a piss.”

“Got it, Chief,” Wyatt says.

He only calls me that outside of work when he wants to get on my nerves.

It works.

I go through the kitchen to the powder room, trying not to think about the fact that Brooke is sleeping in the main bedroom just a few feet away behind that closed door across from the powder room. I lean my forehead against the wood, wishing I could just beat some sense into my brain. What is happening to me? I hate feeling like this—distracted and wrapped up in a woman.

After my marriage to Marci ended in brutal fashion with a DNA test proving my newborn baby wasn’t even my baby, I’ve steered clear of romantic entanglements. I have sex with women who want exactly what I want—a few hours of fun. Nothing more.

Never anything more, ever again.

It occurs to me that if Brooke opens the door I’m leaning on, I will have zero explanation for why I’m doing what I’m doing. Time to pull my shit together.

But that thought immediately evaporates when I hear something from inside her room.

It’s abuzzingsound. It’s soft, but very distinct.

I rear back, horrified.

Then immediately lean back in again, fascinated.

Maybe it’s an electric toothbrush or… I can’t think of anything else a woman would have that buzzes.

Except a vibrator.

Is she in bed, legs apart, using a vibrator to pleasure herself?

Yes. Yes, she is. Because holy shit, she’smoaning now.There is no other explanation for what’s happening.

Adjusting my dick in my jeans, I try to walk away, but my feet stay firmly planted on the floor right outside her door.

She’s panting a little, a sweet soft sound that shreds my resolve to stay the hell away from her. For a split second, I reach my hand out to knock, but then I yank it back instantly. This girl doesnotwant me interrupting her fun.

Also, if you play with fire, you’ll get fucking burned.

If I knock and she actually invites me in, we’ll both wind up a pile of ashes.

She’s a nice girl and I’m… not available.

A guy like me has no business taking that sweet girl’s virginity. Or anything else from her.

I’m being an asshole. This is a private moment.

But then the vibrator gets louder and faster. Damn, it’s like shewantssomeone to hear her. The high whine of the toy still doesn’t cover her moans, though, which also seem to be getting louder. I should turn around and go back to the table. That’s the appropriate and polite thing to do. I’m forcing myself to turn when I hear her peak with a beautiful cry.

“Oh, God!” she says.

The vibrator goes silent.

Oh, God is right.