Page 24 of Light My Fire

“How about you?” Wyatt asks Jackson.

“Twice. Once was with you.”

My head turns so quickly toward Wyatt that I feel a little muscle spasm.

“NotwithWyatt.” Jackson chuckles. “There was a girl there, too.”

“Oh.” I say that out loud, but my thoughts are now spinning. They’ve had hot tub sextogetherwith a girl.

That’s so… hot.

“How about you, Brooke?” Jackson asks. “How many times in a hot tub?”

Oh boy. So, the virginity thing is going to come up right away. Fantastic. I have not had great experiences with this. Some guys think “high body counts” are a turn-off, supposedly, but they also think virginity is some kind of defect. Or maybe it’s just the guys I’ve chosen.

I haven’t dated much. I haven’t wanted to date much. And when I have, it’s never really gone anywhere or lasted long. But the one damned time I liked the guy enough to take my clothes all the way off, I told him I was a virgin and I swear I’ve never seen anyone put pants and shoes on faster or lie more hilariously on his way out of my room. And out of my life.

“Oh, um… none. Never,” I say. That’s true. I’ve never had sex in a hot tub.

To my relief, Jackson takes that at face value. He nods. “You’re missing out.”

I’m starting to think he’s right.

“How about in a tent?” Jackson asks the group. “I know we’ve got this gorgeous cabin in the woods this weekend, but anyone ever had camping sex?”

“Sure.” Luke answers first, to my surprise. “But are you asking about sex while camping or sex in a tent?”

“What areyoutalking about?” Jackson asks.

“Well, camping in a camper or RV is also camping,” Luke says. “Though tent camping is superior.”

I do not agree with that at all, but I’m not going to say that. I want the sex answer.

“Okay, so both,” Jackson says. “How many times have you had tent sex and then camping sex?”

Luke seems to be thinking—or counting—for a moment. “Six times and fourteen times. Maybe more.”

Jackson whistles. “You like camping?”

“I like sex.” His expression loses some of its openness. “Marci liked camping.”

“Ah,” Jackson says.

Who’s Marci? Now I have to know.

“I’ve only got two,” Wyatt says. “Both in a tent. Same camping trip, actually.”

Jackson shakes his head. “None. Not a big camping guy. Unless it’s like this,” he says with a grin, moving his hand through the bubbly, warm water.

“Me either,” I say before he can ask. “Never in a tent.” I look at Luke. “Or an RV. Though that sounds better to me than a tent.”

His jaw tenses and I regret my comment. I don’t know who Marci is but clearly she’s a woman who makes Luke’s grumpiness even worse.

“Okay, in front of a fireplace,” Jackson says. “That one I’ve got three. No, four,” he adds quickly with a grin. “Yeah, four.”

I look at Wyatt and he looks like he’s mentally counting.

“Two, maybe three,” Luke says.