“Name three celebrities that you’d love to be snowed in with for two days.”
Okay, good, a twenty-questions kind of thing. We can relax and get to know each other. Though these guys already know each other very well. I’d still like to know them better. I start thinking about my answer.
“Jenna Ortega, Yara Shahidi, and Danielle Bradbery,” Jackson rattles off without waiting for anyone else.
I lift a brow. Wow, he really doesn’t seem to have a type.
“Who is Danielle Bradbery?” Wyatt asks.
“Country singer,” Jackson says, spreading his arms out to rest along the tub’s edge. “Beautiful. Has this very sweet air about her.”
He’s looking directly at me as he says that.
“You do not listen to country music,” Wyatt tells him.
“I listen to everything,” Jackson says. “I have eclectic tastes.”
I’m still trying to think of my three. I glance at Luke. I can’t imagine the grumpy fire chief playing a game like this.
He catches my eye and says, “Gal Gadot, Catherine Haena Kim, and Stephen Colbert.”
There’s a beat and we all laugh.
And dang, he didn’t even really seem to have to think that through either.
“I didn’t realize Colbert was your type,” Wyatt says.
“You said three celebrities to be snowed in with,” Luke replies. “I think Colbert would be funny and interesting to talk to for two days.”
Wyatt nods. “Agreed. And now I worry that your standards are higher than I realized and that we might be a disappointment.”
Luke doesn’t even hesitate before he says, “I worry about the same.”
We all laugh again. Luke isn’t smiling, but his expression is more relaxed and I like knowing he has a sense of humor.
I also note that the two women he chose are nothing like me. Stunningly beautiful, more curves, far more confident and bold—at least the characters they play are—sexy, and at least ten years older than me.
Got it, Luke. Loud and clear.
“How about you?” I ask Wyatt.
“Okay, Luke had a good point, so I’m going with Stephen King—he’d be interesting to talk to. Dan Levy—because he’s Dan Levy, though I think he’s way too cool for me—and Josh Johnson—comedian, absolutely hilarious.”
I shake my head with a smile. “Not one single woman? Really?”
He lifts a hand and pushes my hair back off my shoulder. “Since I met you, I just can’t think of any other women.”
I know he’s flirting and sweet-talking me and kind of kidding, but I like it. “Aw, well now I feel bad saying that I can’t even narrow my list down to just three.”
Everyone chuckles and I feel proud of myself. That was very flirtatious for me and the surge of adrenaline it produces is addictive.
Wyatt playfully narrows his eyes and wraps my hair around his hand, tugging me closer and tipping my head back. “Is that right?”
I give what I know is a very fake apologetic look. “Onlythree? When there’s all of Hollywood and all the rock stars and don’t get me started on the athletes.”
Wyatt’s gaze drops to my mouth. “Now see, you’re just begging me to make you forget aboutallof those guys.”
My breath catches in my chest. Yes, yes, I basically am.