Page 17 of Light My Fire

“We should push the sofa and a couple of chairs closer to the fireplace,” he says. “Maybe we can watch a movie on my phone.”

“That’s a great idea,” Brooke says. She holds her hands out to the blazing fire. “It’s really not cold right here.”

“Here,” I say to Jackson, stacking plates and shoving them at him. “You clean up. Luke and I can move the sofa.”

He doesn’t protest. Probably because he doesn’t enjoy physical labor. He’d rather throw dishes in the dishwasher than lift furniture. He takes the dishes to the kitchen.

Brooke adds more wood to the fire and Luke shifts the coffee table out of the way.

Five minutes later, we’re all on the sofa single file, me on the left of Brooke, Jackson on her right. Luke has taken the outside seat, next to the end table. We pushed the sofa forward as much as we could, but I have to admit, the air is getting a little brisk in the cabin.

Brooke found candles in the linen closet so they’re scattered around the room.

“The wind is really howling out there,” Jackson says. He’s put on a sweater and he tugs at the neckline to cover more of his bare skin.

A glance out the window reveals it’s nearly whiteout conditions now. The gentle snow a mere thirty minutes ago has ramped up into a blizzard. Fixing the generator is going to be a complete pain in my ass now, so I’d better make this delay worth it.

“It’s cooling down in here,” Brooke says with a little shiver.

“Here,” Luke says, grabbing a blanket from the basket next to the sofa. He spreads it out over me and then Brooke.

His hands brush over her thighs in the process and he yanks them back as if he was scalded. The man has it bad for Brooke, that’s fucking obvious.

“I just realized we can’t use the hot tub,” Jackson says. “That sucks.”

“The hot tub sounds amazing right now,” Brooke says, rubbing her hands together and shivering.

I take her hands in mine. They’re ice cold. I cup them and blow on her skin to warm her hands up. Her eyebrows shoot up and she shivers again.

“What should we watch?” Luke asks, scrolling through his phone. “A Cabin in the Woods?”

“Hell, no,” Jackson says. “How about something that takes place in the city? Like Batman.”

I let them debate several titles. I wrap my arm around Brooke’s waist. “Still cold?” I murmur, leaning down so my mouth is close to her ear.

She shivers again and nods.

“Come here then. I’ll warm you up.”

I haul her right onto my lap and wrap my arms around her, pulling her back against my chest. Brooke gasps.

“Wyatt, I’ll crush you…”

I snort. “Uh, no you won’t. The firehose weighs more than you do and I haul that multiple times a week. Just relax back and we’ll share our body heat.”

She feels incredible tucked up against me, her tight little ass wiggling a bit on my lap. I already have a hard on and it’s clear she feels it. She glances back at me, tongue flicking across her bottom lip. But then she faces forward again and relaxes into the hold.

“This is better,” she says. “You’re very warm.”

I pull her long hair back over her shoulder, making sure to brush my fingertips against her jawline in the process. She glances back at me in question.

“Your hair was caught,” I lie.

She sighs. It’s a sexy sigh, not one of displeasure. “Thank you.”

“How about Backdraft?” Jackson says. “The firefighters die in that one.”

“Let’s watch Fifty Shades of Grey,” Brooke says.