Page 136 of Light My Fire

“I’ve been meaning to ask you… couldn’t you have fixed that generator earlier? Why did you wait?”

There is no point in denying it. “I wanted to cuddle on the couch with you under a blanket. I admit it. Also, I didn’t know how long it would take and I didn’t want to be away from you, even for a few minutes. I still don’t.”

I mean just generally. It’s honestly not even in my head to equate that with Luke and Jackson until she brings it up.

“I know this isn’t your first choice, but thank you for understanding that I want to spend time with the other guys.”

The right words don’t come to me. I don’t want to say the wrong thing and upset her or sour our date in any way, so I just bend down and kiss her temple. “Of course. What animal do you want to see first? I personally love monkeys, so I’m going to make a request we stop at the primate house at some point.”

“I love primates too. They’re such intelligent animals. Let’s go there first.”

The zoo is filled with families, elderly couples strolling together and twenty-somethings with their phones up, taking pictures of the various animals and the landscape. Spring foliage is just starting to appear with some bulbs blooming.

“Did you always know you wanted to be a vet?” I ask her as we pause to watch the seals zipping around their pool.

One pops his head up and shakes and Brooke laughs. “Yes. I’ve always loved animals. When other girls were playing with Barbies, I was playing with my vet kit, patching up fictitious boo boos on all my stuffed animals.”

“That sounds adorable.”

“I was a cute kid,” she says with a flirty flip of her hair back over her shoulder. “I imagine you were a true rough and tumble boy, weren’t you?”

“Probably. I loved sports, especially baseball. The big treat every summer was when my dad took me to see the Cubs play. I had a little desk calendar in my room and I used to cross out the days until the game we were attending. I would lay out my spiritgear the night before with my mitt, ready to catch a home run. One never came my way though. We should go to a game this summer.”

“Maybe this will be your year and you’ll finally catch one.”

“You can be my lucky charm.”

“I don’t know about that, but I can guarantee you’ll get lucky after the game.”

That makes me grin. “Is it April yet?”

Brooke laughs. “I don’t think you’ll have to wait until April to get lucky.”

“Just not today?” I ask, letting my hand drift lower onto her ass as we pause on a path that has no one else in the immediate area. I kiss her and rock her forward onto my hard cock.

Brooke sighs. “I thought I was a rule follower but I don’t like this one.”

“We’ll have to work something out. What if I just eat your pussy?”

“Yes,” she breathes, her eyes drifting closed as she presses herself tightly against me. “Please.”

I reluctantly release her. “Okay, after we zoo.”

She laughs. “That’s one way to put it.”

We spend two hours making our way through the exhibits nearest the entrance. We don’t get far because Brooke likes to read every placard and I like to watch her. I take more pictures of us and we get coffee for her in one of the restaurants.

When I sense she’s getting tired and cold, I suggest we save the other half for another day. Brooke readily agrees.

“I’d love for us to come back when all the trees and flowers are in full bloom.”

It warms me more than any coffee could to hear her talking as if it’s a foregone conclusion we’ll be planning and doing things together in the months ahead.

When we get back to Brooke’s apartment, she’s barely over the threshold before I have the door closed and her pressed up against it. I go down on my haunches and ease her jeans open and down just enough for me to tug her panties to the side and slide my tongue over her clit.

“Wyatt, oh God!”

“I’ve been thinking about this sweet little cunt all day,” I tell her. “You taste so damn good, gorgeous.”