“You’re flirting with her to mess with me? Or do you like her?” Wyatt asks.
“Both,” I tell him with a shrug.
“She’s not a game of cornhole for fuck’s sake,” Luke says.
I can’t help but laugh. “Youhadto choose a game with holes, didn’t you?”
He glowers at me. “Not everything has to be a goddamned competition around here.”
Wyatt and I both look at him.
I’m pleased when Wyatt says, “Why not?”
I nod. “She seems great. We’re all stuck here together until Sunday, anyway. We want to get to know her. Why not see who can flirt with her the best?”
“How about you be her friend?” Luke asks. “Why do you both have to think with your dicks all the time?”
Wyatt is frowning, but I’m not taking this seriously. I lean in. “If you want in, Chief, just say so.”
Wyatt's eyes narrow as he looks at Luke. “Wait a second, you might want in? You wanna flirt with her, too?”
“No. I fucking don’t. She’s too young, she probably wants a boyfriend and you both know I don’t do that shit, and she’s our friend’s sister.”
Yeah, he’s given thistoomuch thought for not being interested. “I barely know Blake,” I say. I definitely don’t consider the hockey player a friend.
Wyatt lifts a shoulder. “I mean, he’s a good guy. But I’m not sure I would give up dating Brooke for him.”
“So it’s just out of the question that you’re both gonna keep it in your pants?” Luke asks.
“Not out of the question,” I say, looking at Wyatt. “If that’s not what Brooke wants, we’re not gonna push it. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make sure she knows she’s got options this weekend.”
Wyatt nods his agreement. “We’ll just be with her. Maybe offer to cuddle if she gets cold.” He gives me a grin.
I return that grin. I love our little games. “Exactly. Toast her marshmallows if she asks.”
Luke gives a low growl.
“For s’mores,” I say. “Obviously.”
“Quit trying to get her drunk,” Luke says, picking up her wine glass, taking it to the sink, and dumping it out.
“Hey,” I protest. That feels like Brooke’s choice to make, not his. “Let’s not overreact. Neither of us is the type to take advantage of a girl when she’s drunk.”
Luke takes a deep breath, grips the edge of the sink and lets his head drop. Then he turns. “You’re right. Sorry. I’m just a little?—”
Brooke comes back into the kitchen, cutting him off. “You’re just a little what?” she asks.
Luke just frowns at her.
I roll my eyes. Jesus, he needssomething,or he’s going to have an aneurysm by Sunday.
She looks confused. “Are you okay? Are you sick?” she asks him.
I snort. Her thinking Luke’s grumpy face makes him look like he’s sick is hilarious.
I know exactly what’s wrong with Luke, and I’m guessing Wyatt does, too.
Luke has a thing for Brooke. Maybe a bigger thing than I thought.