Page 129 of Light My Fire

“Give me your Venmo. I’m sending you money right now.”

She laughs. “I didn’t buy anything. Luna’s friend Danielle is married to a billionaire and a couple of millionaires.” She rolls her eyes even as she laughs. “She needs fancy dresses often. She let me come over and pick whatever I wanted, and we’re a pretty close fit. Dani’s shorter than me, but I think this still works.” Brooke looks down at herself.

I really hate that this was all complicated for her. I honestly had not thought ahead that she might not have something that would fit in at a five-star restaurant. “It works,” I assure her. “Itreallyworks. The only problem is that men are going to be staring at you all night.”

“If you’re sure.”

I am definitely sure. And she’s going to have to get used to dressing up. I intend to make her my plus-one for every fancy occasion I have, plus as many romantic, impressive dinners and outings as I can possibly take her to.

I am excited about our date. I haven’t planned an entire evening's itinerary with a woman in a very long time, and imagining Brooke’s eyes and smile as I show her Chicago in a way she’s never seen has me anticipating the evening more than I have anything in a while.

She ducks back inside the apartment and plucks her coat from the coat rack. It’s black with a belt and a bright red scarf that matches her lipstick. She grins. “I borrowed this too. My usual coat is way too casual.”

“The only way this entire outfit would look better is if it was on my bedroom floor,” I tell her with a grin, taking the coat and holding it out for her. Yes, I intend to flirt with her all night. But that’s the honest truth as well.

She lets me help her into the coat, then grabs her purse and loops her arm through mine. “This is going to be really fun,” she tells me with a confidence that warms me.

I have a town car waiting. I usually like to drive myself, and love my collection of cars, but tonight I wanted to give her my full attention, and not worry about traffic, especially downtown. It’s Wednesday night, so I don’t expect things will be too crowded but it’s still nice to settle into the soft leather, turn to her, rest my hand on her thigh and ask, “So how are you?”

I basically know. We’ve been texting every day a few times. I send her puppy photos and want to know everything from what she had for lunch to what time she goes to sleep. But I just want to hear her voice and know if there are any details I’ve missed. I’m addicted to her.

She covers my hand with hers. “I’m good. I’ll be perfect if you tell me that we are not going to have a no kissing rule tonight.”

I look at her in confusion. “Why the hell would I have a no kissing ruleeverwith you?”

“Luke made that rule when we went out the other night. He said if he started kissing me, it would get out of control. He wanted to focus on talking and getting to know each other. Not just the physical stuff.”

Ah, I have been curious about her date with Luke. I wasn’t going to ask, but now that she’s brought it up…

“Did he stick to it?” I ask, already knowing the answer. There is no way in hell Luke and Wyatt would be able to keep from kissing Brooke if they had her alone. I know them too well, and I know how they feel about this girl.

She grins. “No.”

“I’m shocked.”

“But almost. A couple of guys hit on me at the bar, and Luke kissed me after that. And then he kissed me at the end of the night.”

“A couple of guys hit on you?” I’m not surprised by that either. But I’m a little surprised that Luke left her alone long enough for that to happen. I’m also imagining how I would feel. Then how I expect Luke reacted. “He stayed cool, though, right? Like a dad?”

She giggles. “Pretty much. Or like a disappointed teacher.”

Oh, that’s a good comparison.

“He stayed cool. But he also made it very clear that we were together.”

I lean in closer. “Of course he did. You are definitely the kind of woman that men want to claim, Brooke.”

She does that cute little shiver thing. “I liked it.”

I can make her feelveryclaimed. “Noted.” I look at her mouth. “And no, we are not going to have a no kissing rule.”

“Because you definitely have no trouble controlling yourself around me?”

It seems that our not-so-long-ago-virgin is starting to find her inner vixen. And I am here for it.

“Oh, it’s not that at all,” I tell her. “I just don’t care. If someone sees me kissing you or touching you, that’s fine with me.”

“But you can resist having sex with me tonight?”