Page 124 of Light My Fire

She lifts a shoulder. “You could have it reversed. Or there’s adoption.”

I just stare at her. She’s so… unbothered. She makes it all seem so easy.

She makes being with her seem so easy.

And a huge part of me is starting to believe that could be true.

She notices something in my face, because she leans in, forearm on the table, her hand flat on mine now.

“Luke, I’m twenty-five. I’m a grown up. I’m in grad school, succeeding in a very demanding program. I’m mature. Intelligent. I know the virgin thing, my inexperience there, probably made me seem really young and innocent, but I’m really not. I know what I can handle. I can make decisions about who I spend time with. I understand things like how vasectomies can impact my future if I fall for a guy who’s had one. You don’t have to protect me here.” She smiles. “I can handle you.”

That’s hot. All of that’s fucking hot. Her confidence. The way she just takes in my story and everything about me and takes itseriously, but also makes it not complicated. And the idea of her handling me… yeah, a huge part of me wants that.

“Okay,” I say. “I hear you.”

Her smile is bigger now. She traces her finger over my hand again. “I’m really, really sorry all of that happened with Marci.”

I blow out a breath. “Well… thanks. I guess.”

“Am I a bad person if I say she’s an idiot for not realizing how amazing you are, though?” Brooke asks.

My eyebrows arch. “Not at all. I’ve frequently thought she was an idiot.”

“If she had been smarter and held on to you, you wouldn’t be here with me right now. You wouldn’t have been with me the other night. Or at the cabin. I can confidently say it’s her loss, my gain.”

I feel a laugh bubble up. “You don’t really know me. You have no idea if I’m amazing.”

Now she laughs. “Seriously? You’re afirefighter. You put your life on the line for other people—strangers—every single time you go to work. You are so great with your friends. When you’re in a moment with another person, you are all in. Completely tuned in to what other people are feeling, what they need.”

I start to respond, but she keeps going.

“I spent three days completely snowed in with you, and I saw a lot that you probably don’t realize.”

That makes me shift on my stool, suddenly a little uncomfortable. The only people who are trulycloseto me are Wyatt and Jackson. And as much as I love them, I’m not sure how observant they really are. My mom would probably be the only other person who really knows things about me that I don’t let show to the rest of the world.

Brooke continues. “You always make sure that Wyatt and Jackson have whateveractualthings they need, but you alsomake them aware of how they’re speaking to one another and other people. You tell them when they’re doing a great job at something. You give them encouragement, but also hold them accountable. You’re like this fantastic older brother or something. They really look up to you.” She smiles. “And you know it. And you take it seriously. That makes you feel good. I can tell.”

Damn. She’s right on all of that.

“You’re also funny and smart. You’re protective. I feel completely safe and comfortable with you. And…” She leans in. “You’re so damned sexy I can hardly take a deep breath around you. Until you touch me. Then I still feel hot and tingly, but also… calm, somehow. Like I can just sink into the moment and the feelings and enjoy it. I know you’re going to make me feel amazing but I’m totally safe just letting go.”

My entire body heats. Not only because of the reminder of all the ways I’ve touched her, and want to touch her, but becausethatright there is what I want.

That is what I love more than anything. I want people to feel safe when I’m around. I want to make people feel like everything will be okay.

But to dothatfor Brooke, to make it so she can fully be herself and bask in pleasure and happiness and being cared for, that I want more than anything.

“Brooke, you are very fucking dangerous,” I tell her, my voice low.

Her laugh is breathless. “Dangerous? Why?”

“Because you make me spill my guts, relive all of that pain, but I come out the other side feeling like a fucking superhero.” I lean closer. “A superhero who wants to spend the next twenty-four hours straight making you insane with pleasure.”

Her pupils dilate and her lips part. I lift my hand and drag my thumb over her lower lip.

“How can I have just told youthatfucking story, the lowest point in my life, the darkness that I’ve been dragging around for years, but two minutes later I’m sitting here feeling cocky as hell and so turned on that I want to bend you over this table right now?”

Her breath catches. “I’m glad,” she says softly. “I want to make you feel those things even when there’s darkness.”