It makes me feel absolutely amazing.
It only slightly dampens my mood when she turns to the guys. “And you and you.”
“I think we should establish a no sex rule,” Luke says. “On solo dates.”
Brooke nods. “I like that idea.”
“What?” I demand. “Why?”
“Because it’s about establishing anemotionalconnection with all of you.” Brooke’s expression is earnest. “Obviously the physical stuff works. I want to get to know you other than that.”
Luke gives a cough and then clears his throat.
I realize immediately his plan backfired on him. He wants a no sex rule because he doesn’t want to have to break down all his walls with Brooke.
I have no walls and I want to be able to touch Brooke whenever I can.
“I want whatever you want,” Jackson says to her.
It mildly annoys me. Can’t he ever have an actual opinion?
Or maybe I just want someone to back me up on this.
Sure, watching Brooke come undone for all three of us was incredible, but I want the opportunity to eat her pussy without an audience every once in a while.
Going over the food Jackson has brought, I pick up a flaky croissant and bite it hard so I don’t say something that will get me in trouble.
Jackson shoots me a look of censure. “That was mine.”
“Sorry,” I say, taking another bite. “Who gets the first date with Brooke? Because I want it.”
“I get the first date,” Luke says.
“Hey, not fair,” Jackson says. “Why not me?”
Instead of being aggravated with us, Brooke beams and takes the mug of coffee Jackson has poured for her. “I love how wanted you all make me feel. We can just play it by ear, according to your schedules.”
“No way. Luke and I work the same shifts, and Jackson doesn’t have a job.”
“I do so have a job.” Jackson gestures to Henley and the puppies, who are cuddled up together in a giant dog bed in the corner of the kitchen. “I have a fur family to take care of.”
“Forget it. You can be more flexible than we can.”
The smile falls off of Brooke’s face. “I don’t want this to be an issue,” she says, softly. “Between all of you.”
I instantly feel terrible. “No, no, it’s not like that. It’s not an issue. I just think a schedule is important.”
“Let’s just have a little competition,” Jackson says. “To work out the rotation.”
“You want to compete to see me first?” Brooke asks. She sounds astonished, but also intrigued.
I’m competitive by nature anyway but I’ll wrestle a fucking bear for the right to see Brooke first. “Works for me.”
“Come on,” Luke says, rolling his eyes. “Let’s just go from oldest to youngest.”
As if Jackson and I are dumb enough to go for that.
“You scared you’ll lose?” Jackson says, egging him on.