“I did, thank you.”
I can’t think of anything else to say because my head is swirling with all kinds of messy and crazy thoughts. I can’t just blurt out, “I want to date all of you.”
Because I don’t even know if I do.
Again, this is all new. Can I trust my feelings?
Time. I just need time to think and I can’t do that with any of them touching me.
Fortunately, for all three of us, the plane is small but loud and we have to wear headphones. The flight is only ten minutes across the lake.
Once we’re at the airport on the mainland, I’m flying to Minneapolis and they’re going to Chicago.
There’s a lot of polite door holding for me from both of them and Wyatt rolls my suitcase for me, but yep, it’s awkward. Luke and Wyatt haven’t said a word to each other. That makes me feel even more uncomfortable.
But I know from my brother and his friends that guys tend to recover from disputes in friendships faster than women do. They’ll probably be fine in a day or two.
Or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.
They both do hug me as we’re splitting to go to different gates. Just friendly hugs, with lots of space between them and me.
Then Luke says to Wyatt, “Want to grab a beer?”
We all wave. Then I walk toward my gate. I try to be a cool girl and not look back, but three seconds later I do.
They’re not watching me. They’re talking to each other, though I can’t hear what they’re saying, and Wyatt nudges Luke. He laughs.
That makes me feel better.
But then I’m alone at the gate.
No longer a virgin.
And very confused about three very different men.
I get a text from Sophie.
Good luck with your finals! I know you’ll nail them! See you soon.
Right. Finals.
That’s all I really should be thinking about right now.
Notthree hot guys who taught me how incredible sex can be.
I open up my notes app and start studying.
That I know how to do.
“I gotta admit,this is getting a little boring,” I say.
There’s no response.