Page 8 of Light My Fire

So maybe the solution has just presented itself like man magic in the form of Wyatt, Jackson, and Luke.



Watchingmy two best friends with this girl is very interesting. And very amusing.

I’ve known Wyatt since high school, but I’ve only been hanging out with Luke for a couple of years. Still, regardless of our differences in age and jobs, for some reason, the three of us just fit.

Luke’s a grump, no question, but that’s why he needs Wyatt and me. We make sure he kicks back and has fun. Luke is my voice of reason. He gives me advice and if I run an idea past him and he rolls his eyes or says flat out ‘don’t be a dumbass’—which he definitely will if that’s what he thinks—I change my mind.

Our time together is just easy. Our three personalities work together and no matter what we’re doing, things just click.

That’s why things seem off tonight. And the only new factor in this equation is Miss Brooke Wilder.

I get it. She is gorgeous, and has this sweet air about her that makes you want to ,hug her and, I don’t know, brush her hair or something, even while you’re imagining bending her over the breakfast bar and fucking her deep and hard from behind.

Or maybe that’s just me.

Except watching Luke stomp around the kitchen, and blatantly avoid even making eye contact with her, while Wyatt can’t seem to stay more than two feet away from her at any moment, I don’t think I’m the only one feeling something here.

“What the hell did you eat here this whole week while you were alone?” Wyatt asks her with a soft smile. “I haven’t found any evidence of real food. Please tell me it wasn’t just wine and Doritos the whole time.”

“Well…” Brooke says.

Yeah, that’s going to trip my best friend’s protective switch. He’s going to want to take care of her for sure. He’s an Acts of Service love language guy.

“Brooke,” Wyatt says warningly. “Tell me there was a vegetable atsomepoint.”

Brooke laughs, the sound a light, happy noise that makes me smile. And even as I realize that’s cheesy as hell, I can’t help it.

“Carrots. They are both vegetablesandreal food,” she says.

He pulls a half-eaten bag of baby carrots from the fridge. “This is just sad.”

“I didn’t have time to cook. And I don’t really like vegetables,” she says, then gives him a little pout.

Oh, he’s a goner.

Wyatt gives her the goofiest smile in return. “I willproveto you that you like vegetables. At least when I make them.”

Jesus. I have never seen a woman wrap him around her finger so quickly. I am so making fun of him for all of this later.

“I ate soup. And sandwiches,” Brooke says. “Not just junk.”

“But lots of Doritos,” he says, bracing his hands on the counter across from where she’s sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar. “I found an empty bag in the trash and there’s the half-eaten bag you were working on when we got here.”

She nods. “I really like Doritos.”

He shakes his head. “Woman, we are feeding you tonight.”

She doesn’t protest. In fact, her eyes track him as he moves around the kitchen, gathering what he needs for the steaks and baked potatoes.

“How do you like your steak?” he asks.

“However you cook it,” she says.

Something in her voice makes me lean forward from where I’m sitting on the stool next to her and study her face.