Of course she did.
“Funny she didn’t suggest youleaveearly,” Luke says, like he doesn’t think it’s funny at all.
Neither do I.
“Yeah, so funny.” Also funny, she didn’t call or text to tell me these guys were showing up tonight.
My grandmother thinks she’s being clever. She already gave me an earful about spending my spring break alone in the woods when we both know I am fully prepared for my finals and don’t really need to study anymore. She thinks I should spend more time with friends and dating. It didn’t help that I cried at my brother’s wedding, which is totally unfair. A girl isn’t allowed to cry at a wedding without it meaning something? I was just happy for him.
And a little sad for myself.
But now that Blake is married, Gran’s turned her shady matchmaking efforts to me.
Heidi Wilder doesn’t know the meaning of the word subtle.
I’m both horrified and… intrigued.
A few hours hanging out with three hot guys tonight is intimidating, but also exciting.
Hot guy hugs times three? Go for it, girl.
No, I can’t stay here. I’ll embarrass myself.
This may be your only chance!
But what if I say or do something awkward?
Jackson interrupts my battling inner voices.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing the cabin with three unruly dudes.”
“Um, no,” I sputter. “Not at all.”
Like, honestly, not at all.
Heat spreads across my cheeks, and I search my brain for something to say. This is always my problem. When I’m in my element, with animals, or in a classroom, I always know what to say. I’m self-assured and confident in my knowledge and abilities. Give me a short-hair cat with a UTI or a French bulldog with hip dysplasia and I know exactly what to do.
But men… they’re a different beast entirely.
“We’ll stay out of your way,” Luke says, which further confuses me.
Jesus, how many times can I say “um” in one conversation?
“I’ll show you to the bedrooms,” I manage to get out. “If you want to put your luggage away. I don’t have a lot to eat because I’m leaving tomorrow, but I do have wine and some chips and nuts.” I gesture to the table.
Wyatt comes up to me and gives me a smile. “There’s a storm coming tonight and tomorrow, Brooke. You’re going to be snowed in at least until Sunday. Good thing we brought a ton of food. You’ll be all tucked in here safe and sound with us.” He glances at my lips.
My hand goes to my mouth automatically. I probably have a stray chip crumb somewhere. I rub back and forth.
Wyatt takes my hand and holds it out. “Doritos or Cheetos?” he asks, inspecting my fingers.
I swallow hard. But before I can answer, he pops my index finger in his mouth and sucks it lightly. A jolt of pure desire shoots through my entire body. I suck in a breath.
“Doritos,” he says. “My favorite.”
Then he winks and turns away, bending down to grab his suitcase.