Jackson starts rubbing one of her shoulders. “You’re pretty hot when you get bossy,” he tells her.
She giggles, and the sound shoots straight to my cock.
“Well, that’s too bad,” she says. “I’m almost never bossy.”
“I’m jealous of every veterinarian and tech and volunteer who will ever work around you,” Jackson says. “Obviously, you’ll get bossy when an animal needs you.”
She looks over her shoulder at him, giving him a little smile. “Yeah, I guess so.”
The look of pride on her face grips my heart.
“I’m really pissed at your neighbors,” Jackson says. “I can’t believe they weren’t watching her more closely. I don’t want them to have Henley back.” His voice is tinged with anger.
Brooke looks at him again, her expression soft.
Oh hell no, Jackson’s not going to win her over just because he has an obvious soft spot for this dog. I love dogs too.
“We always had dogs when I was growing up,” I say. “Can’t imagine not knowing where our family pet was at all times. Especially if she was pregnant.” I look at Jackson and weigh mynext question for a moment. But me and my best friend compete in everything. And this time the prize is this wonderful woman. “How many pets did you have growing up, Jackson?” I ask.
Over the top of Brooke’s head, he gives me a look that says clearly he knows what I’m doing. And he will find a way to get me back for it.
“Never really had pets. A hamster once.”
Brooke’s eyes widen. “You didn’t have pets? Your family doesn’t like animals?”
“My sister was allergic,” Jackson admits. “I think that’s why I love them even more,” he adds. “I can’t wait to have some of my own.”
Brooke shifts on the couch so she can see him better. Her calf drags over my lap, and I am certain she can feel my erection. The one that’s seemingly constant now that I’m sharing a space with her.
She doesn’t react, though.
Well, hell, maybe the girl just thinks that’s what size I always am. I don’t know much about virgins, but I assume it means they haven’t had a lot of experience touching or looking at cocks.
And now I’m thinking about Brooke and my cock and that isn’t helping the hard-on in my sweatpants at all.
“Why don’t you have pets now?” Brooke asks Jackson.
“Can’t have them in my apartment,” he says.
“But you’re a millionaire, right? You could easily buy a house.”
She’s looking at him, so I’m able to send him a smirk. Score: Wyatt-1, Jackson-0.
“You know what?” Jackson asks. “That is a really good point. How long till those puppies can leave their mom?”
Brooke arches both eyebrows, and I feel my gut clench. Oh no, he wouldn’t…
“At least six weeks.”
Jackson nods. “Six weeks is more than enough time to buy a house.”
My friend would buy a house so that he can adopt dogs to impress Brooke?
But it makes me want to laugh because that is very Jackson, actually.
And fuck, I can’t blame him. This woman is absolutely worth it.
“You’re going to buy a house for those puppies?” Brooke asks, her voice definitely full of awe.