“So what do you think?” she asks me, stopping on the sidewalk outside her building.
“About what?” I’m thinking I get to kiss her now and that our no sex rule sucks, actually.
“Do we have more than chemistry?”
I move in close and cup her face with one hand. “Yeah, Angel. We do. I like you so fucking much.”
She smiles as if I just told her she’s won a million dollars. “Me too. I know you’ve been hurt. But you can trust me.” She wraps her arms around me. “I’m a healer. I want to help put you back together,” she says softly.
I groan. Fuck. She can do it. I can feel it.
Instead of saying that though, I kiss her. I want it to be sweet. I want it to be emotional and romantic and a promise of more to come.
But about ten seconds in, I’m pressing her against the side of the building. My tongue is tangling with hers, she’s moaning, and I’m unzipping her coat and running my hands up underneath her sweater.
Her warm bare skin is heaven, the sweet sounds she makes into my mouth are like a drug, and I’m very seriously contemplating saying to hell with promises and my friendships and anything but being inside this woman for the rest of the night.
I drag my mouth from hers, along her jaw, to her neck as I cup one bra-encased breast in my hand. “You want to put me back together, and I want to make you come apart,” I tell her gruffly.
Her head falls back against the building. “Luke,” she says breathlessly.
I lift my head and look at her. She’s so fucking gorgeous just turning everything over to me, letting me do whatever I want, wherever I want.
For once, forfucking once, I’m going to stay in control. And show us both how fun and hot that can be.
“I want you to go inside,” I tell her.
Her head comes up quickly. “But?—”
“And,” I say, pressing my finger over her lips. “I want you to get in bed with your vibrator, and I want you to play. But donotlet yourself come.” I kiss her neck again, giving her a little nip, before I pull my hands from her body and brace them on the wall on either side of her head. “Then I want you to text me.”
Her eyes are wide, her lips dark pink from my kisses.
God, I’m never getting over her.
“Okay?” I ask.
She nods. “Okay.”
“And when you text I want you to ask me, ‘Can I come now?’”
She sucks in a sharp breath. “Oh, my god,” she murmurs.
I give her what I know is a wicked grin.
“So we’re doing this,” she says. “All of this?”
“Yeah, Angel, we’re doing this.” I lift my hand and drag my thumb over her lips. “And you cannotcome until I say yes in my text, understand?”
She nods. “Yes.”
“And if you’re myverygood girl about this,” I add. “I promise that you will be very glad next time we’re all together.”
I’m falling in love with this girl and I’m going to show her in every single way.
She swallows hard. “I’ll be good.”
“I know you will, Angel.” I kiss her again, slow and deep. Then I step back. “Go inside.”