I should consider switching classes. Take a different period to teach. Give this one up.
Finley’s raven-colored hair cascades in waves down her shoulders, framing her cheekbones before she brushes them behind her ear as she peers down at me hesitantly. One of her knees bounces anxiously underneath the desk, her skirt fluttering faintly from the movement. It takes every ounce of strength I can muster not to stare down at her ruffled skirt.
I clear my throat. “Good. Yes. Choose a theme and write a response paper based on that. Have a good weekend. I’ll see you all Monday.”
I stay perched against my desk as I watch everyone gather their things to file out of the room as they usually did, whisking my glasses from my nose and stuffing them along my shirt collar. My dark eyes glance in Finley’s direction, my breath halting in my throat to see her body twist toward me instead of the door.
But then, Genevieve’s face floods my view, stepping directly in front of me just as Finley makes a bee-line down to me. I have to keep the grin from spreading across my cheeks at the grimace that forms along Finley’s features, tearing my focus back to Ms. Pierce, whose mouth pops open to speak.
“Professor Serrano,” she coos in a sweet tone.
“Ms. Pierce.”
“I was wondering if you needed someone to help you with the trip next week.” She licks her lips as she cradles her notebook in her hands. “I’m sure that’s a lot to manage for one person.”
If she tried to make her feelings toward me any more obvious, she’d probably be trying to climb me like a tree. It’s exhausting andparticularlyannoying. She’s like a persistent gnat I keep having to swat away. Just when I think she’s gone—there she is again. I wonder what Levi sees that no one else does, or perhaps he’s oblivious that she has never even looked in his direction.
“I appreciate your concern,” I say, shooting her a thin-lipped smile. “But I’ve got it covered.”
She pouts feebly.
“See you on Monday, Ms. Pierce.”
Her eyebrows furrow from the quick dismissal, but she regains her composure as she flashes me a wide smile beforeturning to leave the classroom. Finley is in full view now, her jaw clenching as she watches Genevieve waltz out of the room. I think I even catch her jaw ticking just a bit before she refocuses on me, her demeanor softening faintly.
Her jealousy only makes me crave her even more. The flame inside my stomach spreads like wildfire at the thought of her being angry that someone else is trying to give me attention. It makes me feel things stirring low in my belly. If only I could tell her the only attention I care about is hers.
“Ms. Dunaway,” I acknowledge lowly, crossing my feet at my ankles as I lean further back against the desk.
I watch as she chews at the inside of her lip meekly, adjusting the strap of her bag as she glances down at her shoes. I cock my head as I observe her odd behavior.
“Hi,” I say.
Her head jerks up as her eyes narrow at me, studying me as her full lips pop open. “Is this how you normally do things?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
But I do.
“Oh.” She feigns a confused look. “You don’t usually make your students come against your classroom door before you pretend they don’t exist?”
Pushing off my desk, I step closer to her, dropping my head until I’m at eye level with her. “Be reasonable, Finley. You know I don’t.”
She juts her chin up, and I see the anger flash in her irises. “So it’s just reserved for me, then?”
“We shouldn’t have done it. You and I both know that.” I lower my voice as I sigh. “It puts us both at risk.”
The same shade of pink that haunts my mind scatters across her cheeks as I speak. She bites at the inside of her lips as sheaverts my gaze. If her brain looks anything like mine right now, then I know exactly what’s bringing the blush to her skin.
“I’m trying to do what’s best,” I whisper. “What’sright.”
Forcing a half-hearted smile, she looks down at her intertwined fingers before peeking back up at me again through her lashes. Concern quickly replaces any anger that was once in her eyes. My hands twitch to reach up and caress her pink cheekbones, but I swallow the urge back down.
“I thought you were ignoring me,” she rasps. “That you…regretted it.”