I press my cheek into his chest. “I will. I promise.”

He leaves a chaste kiss on the top of my head before we part ways like he does sometimes, and the weight on my shoulders lightens just a smidge.

Luca stands from his desk as I approach him, his arms crossing in front of his burly chest as his tongue presses against his cheek. He looks bothered by something, but the expression is gone before I can try to decipher it further.

“Two questions.”

“I had a long night,” I mutter. “I have a lot on my mind, and I can’t focus.”

“Well, sit down,” he grumbles, rubbing his chin. “You’re going to retake it.”

Growling heatedly, I step closer to his desk and slam my palms down on the wood. “What did you do? I heard you leave early this morning.”

Taking his glasses off, he pinches the bridge of his nose as the other rests on his hip. Sighing aggravatedly, he tosses his glasses on the desk before mirroring me, placing his hands in front of mine as he stares at me. His expression never gives anything away, another maddening thing about him. A million thoughts could be flickering through his mind, and none of them would show on his face, not even a glimmer in his eyes.

“I left to get ready for class. I had to clean up.”

“Don’t lie to me,” I plead hoarsely.

“I just told you?—”

“Tellme!” I yell shakily, swiping my hand across the desk, making quizzes scatter everywhere.

My heart thuds rapidly inside of my chest as I watch him storm through the tornado of papers flying around, straight for me. A tiny squeak escapes my lips as he grasps my jaw in his large hand, whisking me around with his other one as he walks toward the wall, pressing me firmly against it for the second time. Except this time, he clamps his hand over my mouth toshush me, peeking around the corner at the door to make sure no one comes to see what all the noise is about.

I should be scared. I should be shrinking away from how he’s holding me, the same way that disgusting guy was last night, but I’m not. My thighs would clamp together if it wasn’t for his knee pressing between them. I find myself fighting the urge to brush his thigh against my center.

What. The. Fuck?

A few seconds of silence pass, and the only sound is the faint scraping of papers falling at our feet. Taking his hand from my mouth, his fingers linger on my chin.

“I handled it, Finley.”

I wince as I cock my head, tears pooling in my eyes. “Tell me.”

Stepping back, his jaw clenches as he observes me. “I took care of it. That’s all you need to know. You’re safe. Leave it alone.Please.”

My stomach churns nauseatingly at his words, which somehow don’t settle the chaos inside my mind. It only leaves me with more questions. His response is too vague, too open-ended. I was safe, but at what cost? What did he have to do to ensure the disgusting man wouldn’t come back for me?

He’s right. Leave it alone.

Maybe it’s better not knowing.

“I have to go,” I rasp, swiping away the tear that falls down my cheek.


“I can’t do this right now.”

As I twist on my heel to flee, he locks his fingers around my wrist to pull me back, tugging me close enough to lower his mouth next to my ear. His breath tickles my neck, making the hair prick up. My nipples harden as the chills encapsulate me,betraying my emotions as my body reacts in a way I try to fight against.

“He put his hands on you. Heforcedhimself on you. I made it so he would never lay a finger on you again. I’m not going to apologize for that.”

I shudder at the low octave in his voice, the way it reverberates through his chest and in my ears.

“How do I know you’re not just like him?” I question breathlessly, peering up at him through my lashes. My cheeks are on fire from the proximity.

“You don’t.”