“Take some deep breaths as I untie you. This is a part of the experience you’ll want to be relaxed for.”
Pulling the first knot undone on her arms loosens the entire length and it only takes a few more seconds for me to work the rest free. She moans loudly as her arms collapse either side of her. “Fuck, that hurts more than when you started.”
“It’s your muscles trying to relax after being coiled tight for so long. The next time we do this you’ll know not to tense so much. Let the rope carry your weight for you.”
After I untie her legs she rolls onto her side and delicately stretches herself out. Her limbs are covered in vibrant red rope lines and I know this image of her will stay in my mind forever. It’s a fucking masterpiece.
Wynter looks up at me like I’m about to hurt her if she does something wrong. “What do you want me to do?” Her eyes track to the obvious bulge in my pants.
“Nothing.” She’s done more than enough. “I’ll help you into the bathroom then we can put some clothes on you and relax for the rest of the night.”
Wynter’s staring at me like I’m insane as we sit in front of the television. A movie plays, but neither of us watches it.
“You’re not doing anything.” Wynter wriggles on the couch as she tries to get comfortable. The leather creaking every time she moves.
Those red lines are still visible across her bare legs and arms. Her little pajama top and shorts allow me to admire the art I’ve left on her skin.
“I think we’re both pretty tired after today," I say as I fish my phone out of my jeans pocket. "What do you want to eat? We can order something in.”
Again she squints her eyes at me like I’ve grown an extra head.
“Here.” I hand her my phone with the app open for her to pick what to order. It drops into her lap and she shrinks back like it’s a bomb about to explode on her.
“You’re giving me your phone? I could call the cops. Send out a secret message to a friend.”
“Go on then.”
We both know she’s not going to. The pain in her back is a strong reminder of why she shouldn’t.
She rolls her shoulders as if it’s hurting her now.
After a few minutes of scrolling and tapping she hands the phone back to me with a smug smile on her face.
I swipe my tongue over my top teeth as I grin. Of course, she picks the most expensive place on here. “Do you even like sushi?” I hold the phone up so she has to watch me tap the order button and she swallows like she didn’t actually expect me to pay almost a grand for food.
“Only one way to find out I suppose,” she bristles and turns away from me, leaning awkwardly on the armrest so her back’s not on the couch.
“Does it hurt?” I ask, stroking her spine and feeling the tiny bump just off center of it. She tenses giving me her answer. “I can get you some painkillers.”
“No. I’m not taking anything you give me.”
I’m not about to force pills down her throat so I drop it.
“I heard what you said before, about being bored. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy. I don’t expect you to just be waiting around for me all day. If there’s anything you want I’ll get it for you, books, video games, paints. Whatever you want you can have.”
“I’ll think about it,” she mumbles as she pretends to watch the movie.
When the notification comes through that the food courier’s at the front gate I take the opportunity to try out the new app on my phone as I go to collect our food.
The small red dot is there right over my house on the map. It doesn’t tell me where exactly Wynter is inside, but knowing she’s safely behind those walls while I’m out here is all I need.
Collecting the food, I take it inside. I knew she ordered too much, but I don’t think she realized quite how much she bought.
“This is…” she trails off, eyeing the numerous platters as I set them on the coffee table.
“Dig in then!” I chuckle as I pop a tuna roll into my mouth and relax back onto the couch.
She attempts to use the chopsticks and promptly gives up, using her fingers instead. My balls pulse as I watch her place a piece of nigiri onto her tongue.