“Bones isn’t a name.”
I laugh as I go back to eating her out. Her head falls back and she sighs, “Oh god.”
God must definitely be in the room with us because I’m seeing heaven in this pussy.
When I suck her clit into my mouth, I feel her body tense up again. She’s holding back, trying her hardest not to come.
Turns out I do want her to get everything out of this.
I need to give her a distraction if I want her to come. My cock would be the perfect one, but I’m hesitant to scare her off.
Fingers are a good enough alternative. Snaking one hand up over her stomach and breasts, I find her lips.
“What are—” she’s cut off by two of my fingers pushing inside her mouth. To start with she protests around them and triespulling my hand away, but after a while of holding them there while I keep eating her cunt, she starts to suck.
Either someone trained her well or she really does want me.
My balls pulse as I recall how she slapped me the last time I invaded her mouth this way. That spurs me on to get her to break for me.
I circle her clit with my tongue before plunging it inside her.
“Mmm,” she moans around my fingers and her hips lift, her pussy smothering me as she comes.
Just the sound of her mewling as she rides her orgasm out on my face is enough to break me and I come. Like a damn teenager. My pants soaking from the load that should have been for her.
It’s nowhere near a good enough release. One day I’ll have her sucking my cock like she still is my fingers.
She seems to forget where she is as she lies there in her post-orgasm bliss. I rest my cheek on her inner thigh while I clean her up with my tongue.
I’d happily sleep down here if she let me.
I take one more swipe along her pussy just to keep the promise of her on my tongue for a little while longer.
Then I crawl over her so we’re face to face. Her eyes widen with panic and she pulls my fingers from her mouth.
“Satisfied?” she scolds me and starts trying to cover up.
“I should be asking you that. Your pussy is the only nourishment I’ll need from now on, my love.” I’m not sure where the name comes from, but it feels right. Love and lust are the same beast to me. “You don’t have to hide from me.”
“I’m not hiding! I just don’t want you perving on me anymore. I’m sick of men like you thinking I owe you my body.”
With a heavy sigh, I get to my feet. Thankfully, my pants are black and she can’t see the come coating the insides.
“You’re going to have to trust me, eventually. I want to help you.”
“Then let me go!”
I shake my head. “I can’t do that. But if you just talk to me then it’ll be so much easier—”
“Go to hell!” She gets off the bed and storms into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
I could easily follow her and force it open, it doesn’t have a lock. Instead, I rest my forehead against the wood. “Just tell me who I have to kill. Everyone that hurt you and made you think you don’t have a say over your own body, I’ll gladly kill them for you. I just need you to let me in.”
She doesn’t say another word, but I can hear her heavy breaths on the other side.
Clearly, she needs some space and I need a shower, so the least I can do is give her that for now. I won’t be able to keep away for long though.