Page 20 of All Your Hate

“You already asked me your question.”

So this is how he wants to play things? By being a jerk. Well, I can be stubborn too.

I grab my fork again, only to toss it onto the table. He watches on in amusement as it bounces off the other side with a loud clatter.

As I cross my arms over my chest, he raises an eyebrow and laughs into his wine, making me feel like I’m a spoiled child.

“Why am I here? Why did you buy me?”

I watch the way his throat bobs as he swallows another glass down, that smear of blood is still there, reminding me how dangerous he must be.

He leans forward on his elbows and I do my best to not shrink away from him. “You’re just going to assume that I bought you? You should be thanking me for saving you.”

Saved? Does that mean the other men are gone?

“If I was saved I’d be in a police station, not this creepy place.”

He shrugs and gathers some food onto his fork.

“I didn’t buy you, but you are mine.”

I want to scream out that I’m not anyone’s, but I bite my tongue.

“And that means?”

“I get to do whatever I want to you. Including making you eat. Now open up.” He holds the fork up to my mouth and I slap it away. His expression remains deadpan, but there’s something fiery in his eyes.

“You’re not going to do anything to me.”

“I can bend you over this table and fuck your brains out. Force you to your knees and choke you with my cock. Tie you up and edge you all night long until you're begging me to relieve that ache between your thighs. I can overpower you so easily if I want to. Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? You must be desperate for it since you let that old man use you as his own personal cum dumpster.”

I shoot to my feet, my chair falling over behind me and I round on him. “You don’t get to assume anything about me! I’m not desperate to be raped by anyone, including you, you tiny dick asshole!” Grabbing a knife off the table, I point it at his chest.

He looks down at it, but doesn’t stop me. I could stab it in right now and kill him.

Hell, what’s stopping me?

Slowly, I push the knife in until I feel it give as it pierces his skin. I’ve never hurt another person before. Didn’t think I had it in me, but this feels good. Wrong, but good. When I meet his eyes, he’s smiling wildly at me, and my stomach flutters.

He grabs my wrist and pushes the knife deeper. What the hell is he doing? In my panic I open my palm, letting the knife fall free.

Without letting go of me, he stands up and I try to pull away from him, but he was right about being able to overpower me whenever he likes.

He grabs the collar of his black shirt and yanks it down until the thin line of blood I just caused is visible on his tattooed chest.

“I knew it.” There’s a huge crazed grin on his face as he stares down at the mark.

I try to pull my arm free again, but he doesn’t let up. “Knew what?” I ask, panicked.

He drags his fingers over the blood and holds them up between us. The way he stares at the red shining on the tips makes my stomach do that odd flutter again. “That you had fire in your veins. I so hoped you wouldn’t be some meek little thing. Don’t get me wrong, I still would have kept you, taken care of you, but this is so much better.”

As soon as I open my mouth to speak he shoves his fingers inside. The coppery taste skates over my tongue all the way to the back of my throat and I gag.

Before I know what I’m doing, my palm connects with his cheek with a loudslap.

With wide eyes he pulls his fingers free and touches his cheek, leaving behind a smear of blood and saliva. “You’re full of venom aren’t you,little viper?”

Dropping my wrist he grabs my shirt and I yelp as he tears it open. I don’t get chance to move away before he’s driving me back to the table and forcing his body between my legs.