Page 146 of All Your Hate

“For him, they’re the same thing.”

“You don’t love him do you?” She asks carefully.

My immediate reaction is to say no, but I keep my mouth shut. Charlie’s shoulders drop as she understands what I can’t tell her.

I leave Charlie to get Summer’s bag packed while I find a way out of the house. The front door is sturdy, but the back door is old and weathered. It takes a few kicks, but eventually I manage to splinter the wood near the lock enough to force it the rest of the way.

We head to the garage and pile into one of Noah’s spare cars. It’s been a while since I’ve driven so I let Charlie take the wheel and I sit in the back with Summer so she can catch me up on everything. To my surprise, she gushes about Noah. About how he’s bought her every game she wants, how he asked her to introduce him to K-pop music. From the sound of it, Summer likes him a lot.

“Is your boyfriend coming to stay with us at Charlie’s as well?” she asks. I’ve missed how blunt she can be with her questions.

“No. It’ll just be us three for…” for how long, I’m not sure? I shouldn’t want Noah back at all. “For a while.”

Summer settles in easily when we get to Charlie’s. It breaks my heart knowing our apartment is just across the hall, but it’s no longer home.

Needing space I go outside and sit on the top step. I get out my phone and contemplate calling Noah. As much as I hate him, I miss him already. I want to know if he’s okay. If he’s handling his grief without me.

It’s starting to get dark and when a car pulls up in front of me I’m blinded by the headlights.

If this is him coming to collect me I’m going to be pissed. Or am I? Isn’t that exactly what I want? For him to force me to be his again so I can pretend I have no say in it.

Shielding my eyes I try to see who it is. The click of heels on the sidewalk takes me by surprise.

“I’m so glad I found you!”

Looking up I have to question who I’m seeing in front of me. “Daniella?”

I didn’tthink I’d ever see her again after the funeral. Her face is flushed and she's still wearing the same outfit from earlier today.

“You need to come with me. Noah’s been in an accident," she quickly says.

My heart stops and I get to my feet. She grabs my arm and starts pulling me towards her car. “What happened? Is he okay?”

If he’s been drinking again he could have crashed. Could have overdosed. Could have hurt himself on purpose.

“I’ll tell you on the way,” she says as she opens the car door.

“I need to let my friend know I’m leaving.”

“There’s no time.” She’s pushing me into the seat and I don’t resist.

I feel around in my pocket for my phone, but don’t find it. Crap. I must have left it on the steps.

“Daniella, I need to grab my phone.” I try to open the door, but it's locked.

She doesn’t acknowledge me as she drives off.

“We need to turn back. I left my phone behind.”

“No, he’ll find you with it. You’re always glued to his side. He’s worked his way into your head. Gregory told me all about the pair of you. How in love his son is with you. I’d hoped it was one way, but the way I see you clinging to him proves me wrong. He’s not good enough for you. For both of you.”

“Both?”What the hell is she talking about?

“You and the baby. My baby.”

I stare at her in disbelief. “Daniella. I don’t know how to tell you this, but Noah was lying. I’m not pregnant. I never was.”

With a tender smile, she says, “You don’t have to pretend with me. I imagine your bump will pop any day now then it’s just the wait until your due date. We’ll figure out when that is and find out if it’s Tommaso’s or Noah’s. Either way, we’ll make it work.”