“Noah, I understand.”
I truly believe she does.
“I’m not losing you, Wynter. We’ll put a stop to Dmitri, but I’d rather die than have him take you. I’ve spent years trying to avenge my family only for every lead to dry up. I won’t let that happen again. We will destroy Dmitri and you’ll have your vengeance.”
Pulling away Wynter grabs my shoulders, wincing as she puts pressure on her hand, but she doesn’t ease her grip.
“Noah. You are mine. Which means I’m never letting you go. Don’t forget that. We’re ending this together.”
I’m filled with so much pride as I look at the woman Wynter’s become. The woman I've helped mold her into.
I'm anxious about tonight. Not because I’ve never been to a fundraiser before, or that Dmitri will be here. It’s because of the man leaning against his car in the parking lot.
The only other time I’ve seen him was at Onyx and I thought he was an asshole then. A very scary asshole. Yet he’s played a huge part in getting me my life back.
I run my hand over my stomach, feeling the soft red silk beneath my fingers, and take a breath. I’ve never worn something so expensive or revealing before. It’s a backless gown with a slit that goes almost up to my hip. Noah has already been making the most of its easy access and the fact that I couldn’t wear panties with it.
He’s dressed just as nicely. The black suit he’s wearing is tailor-made to his form and once again he’s perfection.
Dean doesn’t smile as we approach, but his eyes are locked on us. It’s like those icy blues can see right into my soul.
Just like the night I saw him at Onyx, he’s not hiding his scars. The one on his lip is obvious, but his arms could easily be hiddenunder his sleeves if he rolled them down. He seems proud of them. I can understand that.
“You came,” Noah says to Dean.
“Of course, I came,” Dean scoffs as he shoves his hands into his pants pockets. He looks uncomfortable in his suit and like he clearly doesn't want to be here.
Letting go of me, Noah circles the car, peering through the windows.
“What are you doing?” Dean asks.
“Looking for your little kitty cat.”
“You think I’d take her anywhere in her condition?”
From what I’ve heard he rarely takes her out. Noah straightens and looks at his friend in shock for a second. “You’re having a kid?”
“Yeah,” he grins awkwardly as he rubs the back of his head.
“You could have told me, you ass!” Noah punches him hard in the shoulder, but the guy doesn’t flinch.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you, alright? I’m still kinda processing it myself. We had a bit of a rocky start with it. Plus you’ve been busy with your girl.” He gives me an odd look. “I had to hear from Luka what you’ve been up to.”
“Congratulations,” I say awkwardly and Dean narrows his eyes at me.
Noah comes back to my side and pulls me close to him as we head inside. “Don’t worry about him. Dean makes up for in looks what he lacks in social skills.”
“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m saying I bet Willow creamed her little panties when she saw you in that suit. You should have brought her. I’m sure she and Wynter would get along great.”
I’m not sure if I even want to meet the woman that’s able to handle Dean.
His face goes red and he gets this endearing look, which is odd considering his whole demeanor screams scary attack dog.