“Calming you down.” She wraps her fingers around my cock and I have to grab the edge of the table, making it wobble and our drinks spill over.
“Are you al—” Edward catches her hand on my lap and it’s pretty fucking obvious what she’s doing. He clears his throat and licks his lips. This fucking bastard. Wynter grips me firmer and gives me a pointed look. I take a breath so I don’t fuck this up and scare him off. If he does run we could grab him outside and stuff him in the trunk, but the less commotion the better.
“So Edward, you're a doctor like Luka?” Wynter asks, resting one elbow on the table, her tits spilling out over the top of her dress.
“I’m a surgeon.” He can barely stop his eyes from drifting between her cleavage and where her hand is on my cock every few seconds.
“Wow! You must have helped so many people. That’s amazing.” She sips at her drink and I can barely keep track of the conversation thanks to the impromptu handjob. I’m sure whatever they're saying is all rage-inducing.
She scrapes her nails along my balls and up my shaft, flicking the piercing on the tip. I grind my head against the back of the booth and bite down on my tongue to prevent myself from making any noise.
“This is an odd ask I know,” Wynter starts, “but I don’t suppose both of you gentlemen would like to get out of here with us?”
Edward looks terrified as he looks at me, and Wynter starts doubling down. “Oh, don’t worry about him. I know he looks scary, but he’s a softie really. He also understands my needs.” She toys with my piercings and I groan, drawing Edward’s eyes back to my lap. “I’ve always had this fantasy about an older doctor. What are the chances I’m ever going to meet two at the same time like this again? I’m sorry it’s so embarrassing to ask,you must think I’m such a slut.” Acting all shy, she presses her free hand to her face.
At that, his eyes light up. “Not at all. There’s nothing wrong with a young woman having a,” he makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat, “healthy sexual appetite.” He looks to Luka who has a face of stone. “Luka, how do you feel about it?”
He looks between the three of us and forces a smile onto his face as he says, “Why not? Shall we get out of here now? We can use my place, it's closer.”
Wynter finishes her drink and I put my cock and blue balls away so we can get up. Luka goes ahead of us, but Edward lingers close to Wynter’s other side. His eyes barely moving away from her body. The switchblade in my pocket is calling to me.
I can only breathe when we’re alone in the car. “What was that about?”
“What?” she asks me innocently as I start the car and we follow the two cars ahead of us.
“Don’t play games you can’t finish, little viper.” Grabbing her by the hair I push her face down to my lap. “Unzip me.”
I let out a groan as I feel her tug the zip down with her teeth. I don’t need to tell her what to do next as her lips are already wrapping around my cock. She stays like that the entire drive. Edging me until I can barely see straight.
When I turn the engine off, she pulls her mouth free. “Did I say you could stop?”
She smiles wickedly, her lips glossed with my arousal. “You can come once we’ve had some fun.”
A growl vibrates through my chest and before I can grab her again she’s out of the car.The little viper.
“This is your place?” I hear Edward ask Luka as I climb out after her. The warehouse he’s brought us to looks grim enough in the dark and I can’t imagine it’s any better in the daylight.
“It’s not my home, but I had it converted for nights just like this.” Luka leads us through a rusted door and down a dimly lit corridor. A large metal shutter waits for us at the far end. Unlocking it at the bottom, Luka rolls it up and a motion-detected light comes on revealing a sterile, white-tiled room.
“Luka. What on earth is this place?” Edward asks nervously as he steps inside.
“My playroom. Well, one of my playrooms,” Luka says lightly, a secretive smile on his face.
“You bring girls here?” Edward circles around the medical table in the middle of the room and looks over the equipment on the counter. The whole place is decked out like an actual hospital. The only thing out of place is the large metal barrel in the corner and the drainage grate on the floor.
Luka huffs out a laugh as he pulls the shutter down. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Look I don’t mind sharing a girl with you, but I’m not into whatever this kink stuff is.”
“Will you just be quiet! You absolute imbecile. Clearly, we’re not here to have sex.” Luka gets heated again. Turning his back to us he washes his hands at the sink then slaps on a pair of black latex gloves. That seems to calm him down.
There’s a large machine to the side of the counter and he pulls the top up and collects what looks like scalpels, placing them neatly onto a metal tray.
Edward looks to me and Wynter for answers. “Noah, if you’re in on this then you best believe you and your father won’t have a leg to stand on when I take you to court. And you, Luka, I’ll have you fired for whatever this is.”
“That would require you to still be breathing tomorrow.”
Wynter laughs as she hops up to sit on a metal table at the side of the room and Edward nervously looks at her, confusion clear on his face.