Page 97 of All Your Pain

She reaches up to stroke my cheek and bursts into laughter when she remembers she’s still wearing the paws.

“Ah!” she winces and I leap to my feet.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, baby’s kicking.” She reaches for my hand and places it just to the left of her belly button, the kitten paws look ridiculous against her bump. I pull them off so we can feel it together.

Her stomach shifts as our baby moves inside her. This feeling will never stop amazing me. I still can’t believe I’m actually feeling it. I never thought I’d get to experience this in my life.

After a lifetime of loneliness I now have two loves, two lives that are joined to mine.

“Does it hurt?”

She shakes her head as she smiles at me. “Not now. It does when they get me in the ribs, but now it’s more of a gentle pressure. They’ve been extra feisty today though.”

“Just like theirMama.”

Red blooms on her cheeks and down to her chest. It’s so much fun to tease her with that name. She’s going to be hearing it a lot from me so she better get used to it.

Or not.

I’m more than happy to satisfy my horny, little kitten every time it turns her on.



Iend the call I just spent the past hour on in my studio and lean back in my chair to look out at the sunset filtering through the large window ahead. It’s become my favorite time of day to work in here.

The warm light’s just perfect as it filters through the slats of the blinds and catches on the blank pages in front of me that are waiting to be filled. Today, I had to spend most of my work time prepping for the call I just got off of, rather than picking up my pencils and getting lost in a new sketch.

There’s a thunder of footsteps outside the door behind me and I push myself up, cradling my heavy stomach as I head out. When I open the door, Dean rushes past chasing Milo as he crawls down the hall in fits of laughter.

Dean still finds it difficult to give me my own space and spends a lot of time hovering. Honestly, I don’t mind it, it’s nice to know he’s there watching over me and our son.

“Mama!” Milo squeals as he spots me from down the hall. He pulls himself up onto his chunky, little legs and tries to run to me but before he makes it two steps he falls over and lands flaton his face. Dean’s on him in an instant, picking him up and cradling him to his chest. My heart swells with so much love I can feel it taking up my entire chest.

Dean really has been the sweetest with Milo and the beautiful bond that snapped into place not long into my pregnancy has only strengthened with each new day.

All the worries Dean had about becoming a father were quickly forgotten.

Sometimes, I notice him watching Milo and I can see him wondering if one day he’s suddenly going to be like him. Like now, Dean’s tense as he waits for Milo to start crying. The doctors have reassured him that Milo is a healthy and happy little boy. Even if he was born just like his father then we’d still love him the same but Dean knows what it’s like to live with his condition and to not wish that on his son both breaks my heart and heals it at the same time.

After a few short seconds, Milo opens his lungs and wails against Dean's chest. “I’ve got you, little guy. Where does it hurt?”

Milo holds up his arm and sobs, “here.”

“Let me see,” Dean says as he gently takes hold of his arm and kisses it better. Milo starts to calm down then Dean pretends to bite down on his arm making him squeal in delight.

“He’s definitely got your lungs,” Dean teases.

I tickle Milo’s cheek, making him laugh even more. “Well he needs something from me since he got all your looks. It’s honestly scary sometimes like he’s a little clone of you.”

Dean searches Milo’s face like he’s looking for something but we both know it’s not there. “No, not a clone. He’s so much better than that,” Dean whispers.

“Well I think you’re both perfect.” I kiss both of them on the cheek then say, “time for bed. Do you want story time with Mama or Dada?”

“Both!” he giggles, reaching for me but Dean keeps hold of him and they run upstairs ahead of me before Milo can kick up a fuss.