“Hmm,” she taps her chin as she pretends to think what she needs but it’s obvious, I can fucking smell her pussy from here.
Then her stomach rumbles and I groan, tipping my head back. “We can eat later,” she says, wrapping her fingers around my cock but I pull her hand away. I’m trying to be good and put her needs first. If that means feeding my girl before fucking her brains out then that’s exactly what I’ll do.
Anyway, over lunch is the perfect opportunity to tell her that I need to make another trip. If Willow gets upset then I can just distract her with an orgasm or five.
“You’re getting better at this,” Willow says through a mouthful of food.
“It’s just a sandwich.”
“Well it’s areally goodsandwich. Can I have another one?” I raise a brow and push my plate towards her, she’s had a very healthy appetite lately. Forallthings. I however haven’t been able to eat as the weight of what I need to tell her gnaws away at me.
I told her I wouldn’t leave again, not for a while at least, but this is hardly a job and the outcome will be better than any paycheck I’ve ever had.
I don’t want to ruin this moment just yet though.
Seeing Willow sitting here so comfortable with me as she enjoys the food I’ve made her makes me so fuckinghappy.“Why are you smiling like that?” she asks, wiping her mouth. “Is there something on my face?”
I shake my head. “You’re just cute is all.”
She rolls her eyes and with my foot, I drag her chair closer to me. “You should really be sat up here.” I tap my thigh and she obediently comes to sit on my lap. It instantly makes me feel lighter having her this close.
“Better?” she asks, giving me another sassy roll of her eyes.
Ever since she’s come out of her shell with me, I’ve noticed she likes to be a bit of a brat and I particularly enjoy fucking it out of her. My cock hardens at the thought and I know she feels it because she stiffens for a second before rubbing her thigh against me.
I swear I’ve been walking around with a constant hard on ever since I first saw her.
“I have to go out for a few hours soon,” I say hoping my cock will stop her from asking too many questions.
Her ass stops moving on my lap and her muscles go rigid. “Oh, okay,” she says, sounding quietly resigned. She knows there’s no room for discussion when it comes to what I do for a living.
I grab her waist and start rocking my hips, forgetting what we were even talking about for a moment. It’s easy to forget when her plush ass feels this good in my lap.
“Do I want to know where you’re going?” She looks at me over her shoulder and I stop moving. Fear and concern fill her eyes but there’s also a hint of understanding. She doesn’t have a clue what I’m about to do but once I’m home she’ll understand everything.
She gnaws on her bottom lip and I pull it free, tugging on it so she has to look at me. I wish I could read her mind, know every single thought in her pretty little head and erase every worry she has. “You’ll just have to trust me.”
I’ve been asking that a lot of her recently but it feels like I need the constant reminder that she knows I’m doing everything for her.
She nods and says, “I can do that.” Then the corner of her mouth tugs up in a cheeky grin. “If you come back bleeding, I might not bother taking you to the hospital this time.” She crosses her arms over her chest and I raise a brow.
“Do I need to give you another reminder of the difference between good girls and bad girls?” Willow’s eyes light up withexcitement and I feel her body buzzing with need against me. There’s something I need to tell her before we deal with those needs though.
“I promise, I’ll always come back. I'm going to be more careful, for you.”
“I know and I also know you’re not going to stop. I’m just…I can’t lose you, Dean. No one’s ever cared about me like you do and...I care about you too. My dad…well you know what he was like. I thought he failed in getting inside my head but he’s the reason why it took me so long to acknowledge my feelings for you. That night in the alley, when you pinned me down, I wanted to get away from you but a part of me wanted you to just take me right then. Each time you showed me how good the pain can be it made me feel worse about myself. Made me think that my dad’s words were true, that all I’m good for is being a whore and realizing I’m one that enjoys being hurt made me disgusted with myself.”
Fuck,this man is going to suffer. What sort of father calls his own daughter a whore and makes her think she’s worthless? I know exactly who, it’s the same sort of person that would call their sonwrong.
Willow’s not going to have to worry about him ever again, after tomorrow. I’ll give her everything she needs and more.
I grab her chin so she can’t shy away from me and say, “Willow, you will never think down on yourself again. I’m going to spend every moment I’m breathing showing you exactly what you’re worth. Even if it takes a lifetime I’m not leaving this world until you know just how perfect you are. I’m sorry for scaring you before.”
“Which time?” she chuckles.
“For all of it. For nearly dying on you, for making you think you were alone and for taking things too far.”
“I know you’re trying to make it all up to me. Thank you.”