Page 73 of All Your Pain

“Bones, Luka meet Willow. My wife,” I say smugly and she doesn't correct me. Bones raises an amused eyebrow as he looks at us both together, approval filling his gaze. “Willow, I’m sure Bones has more than introduced himself to you,” I say sourly, glaring at his wolfish grin. “He’s a good friend even though he’s a smug asshole and Luka—.”

“Is glad he wasn’t invited to the wedding,” Luka cuts me off with zero humor in his tone. When we do actually get married I’ll make sure to invite him to the ceremony just to piss him off some more. “Willow, your name’s been the talk of the entire ward. I’m not sure I really want to know why Dean would carve himself up like that but to each their own,” he finishes with a dip of his shoulders.

“You should see hers, I put a lot more effort into it than I did mine. Didn’t you know? Couples carvings are the new trend. Maybe, Luka, if you find someone to put up with your Jekyll-Hyde personality you’d understand.”

I feel Willow shift closer to me and her hand settles over her stomach whilst the other finds mine and I lock my fingers securely through hers.

Luka isn’t someone that people are afraid of when they meet him, he’s got a friendly personality when he’s not in one of his moods so I’m not sure why she’s so tense under his stare. She’s been through a lot recently though so this must be hard for her, having to suddenly meet new people like this.

He’s not exactly looking at Willow like he wants to fuck her but there’s something about his gaze that makes me want to drag him out of here by his overly starched collar and punch him so hard he’ll forget he ever laid eyes on her in the first place. When he catches my glare he clears his throat and quickly looks back to the clipboard.

Willow must sense my anger because she starts rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand in soothing circles. I look down at our hands, perplexed by the new feelings of contentment she brings out in me.

“Dean, it was a close call this time,” Bones says, taking a seat in the chair across from us and I can see how tired he looks. He’s probably not slept between taking that girl back to his and being here.

I know he wants to get out of here already and if his feelings for this girl are anything like mine for Willow then I get it. He's a goner. I appreciate him showing his face for me though.

“You don’t have to stay, Bones. I’ve got Willow to look after me now. I don't need your sorry ass moping around playing nurse anymore.”

“Hey, you loved those outfits! And the sponge baths.”

Willows head keeps bouncing between the two of us like a damn bobble head and Bones and I both laugh at the same time. “He’s joking, baby. The only person I’d let sponge bath me is you, of course.”

“In your dreams,” she scoffs but I can see the lovely shade of peach her cheeks turn at the thought.

“Okay, Ireallylike her,” Bones laughs.

“Yeah? Well keep looking at her and I’ll gouge your eyes out. That goes to both of you”

“Oooh, didn’t know you could get so jealous, Dean,” Bones mocks and I flip him off.

“Are you two done?” Luka says with more than a hint of irritation to his voice. “I’ve got other patients to see, ones that actually show me an ounce of respect.” I hold my hands up and give him a sharp nod as I try to stifle my laugh. “Your vitals are fine, blood pressure’s a bit low but I’ll fill you out a prescription for that along with some antibiotics. I’d advise staying in a few days so we can keep an eye on you but I know you’re not going to do that so I’ll sign you off to leave tomorrow.” He writes something on the clipboard before putting it back in the slot at the foot of the bed. “You know the drill by now but I’ll repeat it for my sake, keep the wound clean and dry, change your dressings twice a day, if it looks even the slightest bit infected then call me and limit physical activity so you don’t tear your stitches.”

“How limited are we talking?” I ask him as I narrow my eyes.

“Dean!” Willow slaps my chest knowing just what sort ofphysical activityI’m thinking of.

“Just don’t do anything stupid,” Luka says with a sigh then adds, “like I've already told Bones, you really can’t keep doing this. You’re a pain in my ass but I wouldn’t wish to see you dead. Plus the two of you are funding my dreams of one day retiring on a yacht or private island,alone. Maybeshecan make you see some sense.”

"Don't sell yourself short, Doc. Anyway, you'd miss us if you fucked off to some tropical paradise, admit it." Bones says, trying to get a rise out of Luka, but the guy's just as stoic as always and easily ignores Bones's joke.

Quietly, I look down at Willow. Everything’s different now that I have her.

I never used to care if I came out of a fight alive but now I find myself wanting to experience everything with her and for that to happen I need everyday to count. “Thanks Doc. And Bones, Willow told me you helped her. Thanks man.”

Bones clears his throat and nods before getting up to follow Luka out but not before dropping me in it. “I’m glad you’re alive, man. Anyway, I’m sure you’d do the same for me. Let me know when you need a lift home, I’ll come pick you up. Willow, it was good to meet you and Dean…just tell her. I don’t know why you haven’t already.” Just before closing the door he adds, “by the way, I expect an invite soon and I better be your best-man!”

As the door clicks shut, I feel Willow relax now that we’re alone. I can’t get rid of my tension though, I’m just waiting for her to ask what Bones meant exactly.

“Is he a real doctor?” Willow's small voice says breaking the tension and I laugh.

“Yeah. He’s like a completely different guy when he’s with patients that aren’t criminals.”

I feel her nod against my shoulder then after a few slow moments she pulls away so she can sit up and look at me.

“Dean I…,”

“Please don’t, Willow.” I’m not sure if I’m asking her not to leave me or not to ask any questions.