Page 67 of All Your Pain

Whoever she is, she doesn’t look good and I’m sure Abato has put her through a lot of shit if he felt the need to have her chained naked to the end of his bed. I crinkle my nose in disgust at his corpse.

My heart sinks as I think of Willow. Is this what she felt like with me? That I was just a monster keeping her chained up as I abused her.

There’s an all too familiar tug in my chest and I push it aside so I can just focus on getting the hell out of here.

I’m not sure what Bones plans on doing with the girl but that’s not my problem. He’s my friend so I’ll help him get her out of here if that’s really what he wants.

“Come on, the cops will be close by now,” I say and Bones nods following me out.

I swap my knife out for my gun as we leave the way we came in. By some miracle we manage to leave unseen until we reach the gate. The guard stares at Bones, wide eyed and pale. “Shit,” he squeaks out.

“Got something to say?” Bones asks his tone cold and sinister.

“No—she—,” he stammers, panic clear on his face.

“You knew she was in there?” I ask and he looks between Bones and I then slowly nods.

“Usually she’s in the basement so I didn’t think you’d see her.”

Guess kidnapping and sexual slavery is becoming the norm in this city.

This is way too many loose ends for a job this high profile and I’m ready to gut this guy and leave but he’s Bones’s problem to deal with. “Bones we have to leave. This is your call.”

He knows exactly what I mean. If this girl is tied to anyone or anything else and word gets out that Bones or I were involved then we’ll have our own targets on our backs. I know for a fact that the list of people willing to take that job on is endless. You don't make a name for yourself in this world without making plenty of enemies.

“Did you touch her?” Bones asks his voice flat and cold. The guard doesn’t say anything but we both see the guilty way he swallows the lump in his throat. Then he starts to move his hand, most likely to reach for a weapon.

Bones doesn’t hesitate as he puts a bullet between his eyes. He doesn’t even have a chance to blink let alone scream.

I lower my own gun and my hand starts to shake as I feel my palms get slick with sweat.What the hell?

I ignore whatever signal my body’s trying to give me, I can deal with whatever it is later. I’m so close to getting home to Willow, I'm not about to risk getting arrested first.

“Come on,” I say. We both head to our own cars and I watch from behind my steering wheel as Bones puts the girl on his back seat before speeding off.

I shake my head not sure what the hell he’s doing but then I remember the night I took Willow and the urge I felt. I had to have her and nothing would have stopped me.

My eyelids start to get heavy as exhaustion creeps in. This isn’t like me, bloodshed always has the opposite effect but then againtonight was hardly like my usual work and seeing that girl has stirred up so many feelings about Willow.

I drive home ignoring the speed limit so I can get to her as quickly as possible.

When I left it felt like I had managed to repair some of what I broke between us but I can’t help but feel she’s going to keep pulling away.

I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to stop myself from taking things too far again. The last thing I want to do is break her but a dark part of me still feels the need to.

It’s the only way to make her know she’s mine.



Every minute Dean’s gone, doubt starts to weave its way back into my mind. He’s been gone longer than he promised and I’ve no clue if he’s even alive. Every possible scenario plays out in my head and I’m starting to panic.

What am I supposed to do if he doesn’t come back?

My hand shakes as I take two painkillers at the bathroom sink. I'm still sore from how Dean took me before he left and it seems like no amount of hot baths will ease the ache. Then again, he did say he’d fuck me so hard I wouldn’t be able to forget. I can’t help but feel glad to have the reminder of how it feels to be owned by him.

If he doesn’t come back I will eventually forget. A world without Dean can’t happen. I need him here to make me feel good and tell me it’s okay when my emotions feel too much. I can’t fall back into that empty hole that I only recently came out of, but feeling nothing is better than feeling anything without him.