“Little sisters and an addict mother, I know. I also know that any money you make isn’t going towards helping them, it’s going straight into your own drinking problem. How much did you waste tonight? Enough to buy the girls something nice, I bet.”
“Please, I have some money left in my wallet just take it!”
“Don’t worry, I will. But first I need to know if she said anything else. Anything at all?”
A spark of hope flares in his eyes like he thinks he might actually get out of this alive and he says, “no she just said the gate wasn’t working and it was getting fixed or something then she ignored me. She sounded kinda bitchy about the whole thing.”
Bitchy?That's the last word I'd use to describe Willow.
“So you just left?”
“Y-yeah! I left and forgot about the whole thing until just now.”
I nod and a weight lifts off my chest. My smile comes back and I feel better than ever. His story matches up with hers. So my little kitten really was telling the truth. Now that definitely deserves a reward.
I clap Sean on the shoulder and lean in to say, “you did the right thing.” He lets out a shaky exhale of relief but before he can say anything I stab him in the spine.
“Unfortunately, you scared my girl.”
His body collapses immediately but he’s not dead yet just paralyzed. He struggles for breath and he can’t even scream, the pain must be that unbearable.
“What does it feel like?” I nudge him with my boot but he doesn’t say anything, just whines like an animal slowly dying. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got someone at home who loves to tell me how it feels, she’s so perfect she even gets off on it herself. Shestill won’t admit it though. I’m doing the right thing for once and giving her the time she needs to come to terms with it herself. Eventually she’ll trust me. After all, it's not like she has anyone else to turn to.”
He stares at me, his mouth gaping like a dying fish as he tries to string a sentence together and I roll my eyes as I bring the knife down into his chest over and over until blood spurts from his mouth and he chokes his final breath on it.
I wipe my knife off on his shirt then empty his pockets so it looks like a brutal mugging. Then I head back to my car.
My cock’s solid and tight against my jeans. I’m sure it should be painful but all I feel is fucking fantastic.
My dream is a confusing mix of sensations. Burning heat and intense pressure on my body. The smell of something primal and metallic in my nostrils. Then there’s pain stabbing deep inside me.
I want to push it away but I can’t.
“Dean?” I call out, needing him to help me.
“I’m here, baby. Couldn’t wait for you to wake up, just had to have you.”
Slowly, I come to my senses.
I’m in bed and the room’s dark but as my eyes adjust I see Dean's face above me, the moonlight framing him just like it did when I first saw him. He’s got that feral look like he wants to tear me apart.
It already feels like he is.
I don’t need to look down to know exactly what he’s doing. I can feel him in every cell in my body.
He thrusts hard, not giving my mind or body any time to adjust to his intrusion. I can feel the slickness as he slides in andout of me though.How long has he been at this?“Dean,” I say breathlessly and a little panicked.
This isn’t the first time I’ve woken up with him inside me but this reminds me of the first night I was here when he took from me without caring.
Everything feels different.
It's like there's a dark shadow rolling off him and enveloping me inside it's depths, drowning me, suffocating me. This doesn't feel like the Dean I’ve become used to so recently.
Did I get it wrong?Is he still the same person, the samekiller,that I first met and he hasn’t changed at all?