“I may not be able to cook a three course meal but I can fry bacon and eggs, Willow.”
“Hmm, I don’t know I should probably find a fire extinguisher before you burn the place down,” I tease Dean as he battles with the pan that’s now spitting oil everywhere. “Seriously though, be careful, you don’t want an oil burn.”
“I already told you it’s fine.” He grabs the tongs, gets what looks like some very crispy bacon out of the pan and sets it on a plate.
It’s kind of endearing watching him struggle to cook since he acts so damn cocky all the time.
He sets the plate down in front of me before taking his seat to my right. As he eats I end up staring at the scar on his upper lip. It’s so deep that it leaves an indent and it strikes me that I know exactly how it feels on my mouth and my tongue.
“You’re staring, little kitten,” he smirks over his mug of coffee.
“I wasn’t!” I quickly say as I stuff a forkful of food into my mouth. He snorts out a laugh.
“You want to know about my scars?“ he says as he puts his mug down, his finger idly tracing patterns on the side.
“Yeah. How did you get the one on your lip?” I ask as my curiosity gets the better of me.
“Some are perks of the job, others are from childhood.” My stomach churns at the thought of anyone hurting him as a child.“Yourfavoriteone I got a couple years ago. Took a punch that split my lip in two, had to get it stitched up.”
I know I should stop staring but I can’t. I want to etch every scar of his into my mind and create a map that tells me the history of him.
“Why are you laughing?” I ask as my cheeks go hot.
“Youreallylike this one,” he says and his tongue swipes across it.
“No, I do not. That would be weird.”
“It’s hot that you’re into it,” he shrugs. “You know, I’ve not forgotten my promise for after you’ve eaten your breakfast.”
“Is that why you burnt it? So I’d come on your cock quicker?” My eyes slowly widen as I realize what I’ve said and Dean has the biggest, cockiest grin I’ve ever seen. I’veneversaid anything like that before and to say it to him I must be out of my mind. But it feels good to be so carefree with him. It's like I don’t have to worry about what I say here.
“Do any of your scars still hurt?” I ask, quickly changing the subject, but he just shrugs as he sips his coffee. “You know since I’m living with you I should at least know more about you. All I really know is your first name and how your cock tastes.”
He chokes on his coffee and says, “christ, Willow. Are you horny or something this morning? It’s not like you to keep talking about my cock.”
I think I might be. I've never really felt like this before. I used to masturbate but that doesn’t begin to compare to the needs my body has now. Feeling weirdly confident I push my chair back and step over to Dean. His fists clench at his sides as he looks up at me. Before I lose my nerve, I lift my leg over his lap so I’m straddling him.
“Fuck, kitten. Please tell me you’re done eating because I can’t not fuck you like this.”
My arms wrap around his neck as I lean down, his cock is hard already and I’m starting to regret putting clothes on.
If he’s going to fuck me anyway I might aswell enjoy it and try to take charge of the situation for once.
“I want to fuck you.” His hand is already between us, unzipping his jeans before I can finish. “But I want to ask you some questions first.”
His head tips back. “You’re killing me here, little kitten.” His voice is rough and strained, I know he’s holding himself back from pinning me to the table and just fucking me anyway. “What do you want to know?”
“Is there anyone else? We’re not doing this if you’re sticking it elsewhere”
“I love how jealous you get. I’m only fucking you, of course.” He kisses my jaw and I arch my head back so he can get to my neck where he bites down making me moan.
“Not done,” I say breathlessly and he groans but still holds himself back letting me take charge.
“Anyone I need to worry about coming over when you’re not around?” Dean's job is dangerous so I can only assume the people he knows are dangerous too. The last thing I need is to be caught unaware by someone like that stopping by.
“No baby, I’ve only got one friend, Bones, and he knows not to come over without an invite.”
“Your friend's name is Bones?”