Page 56 of Trapped

“She’s still single.” He laughs. “Single, but she has the sex drive of a rabbit and a body count that would put Hugh Hefner to shame.”

I turn around and land a punch to his face.

I honor that memory by jumping off the counter and landing a punch to the side of his face. His eyes flare, but his only reaction is a manic laugh.

“Sensitive, are we?” he says, stretching out his jaw and cracking his neck.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I say.

“You never asked if you had a child, Silas. You only asked me to tell you if Thalia was seriously dating anyone.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I’m not in the mood to be mind-fucked by Axel.

“Ale didn’t tell you? She has a new job,” he replies.

I look up the stairs and listen to the commotion. I guess I had been more drunk than sober these past few weeks. I didn’t realize Ale was leaving. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a pile of papers.

“I come bearing gifts,” he taunts, his manic smile still plastered to his face.

I push the papers away, uninterested in whatever Axel is up to.

“I’m not in the mood. No me chingues.”Don’t fuck with me,I warn. Not today.

“And what are you in the mood for, Silas? Really, you look pathetic right now. I’m embarrassed for you,” he says.

I contemplate punching him again, but stop at the footsteps coming from behind me. Ale makes her way down the stairs, with a large suitcase behind her. She looks at me and winces at the sight. Everyone appears to be unimpressed with my new drinking habit. Everyone can fuck off for all I care. Thalia lied to me. I gave her several opportunities to tell me about Lucia, and she lied. And then my own mother took her side. I can still feel the sting from where she slapped me. So, I would support the local liquor store until I forgot about all of it. I would drink until this ache in my chest went away.

“Leaving so soon?” I say to Ale, my eyes looking over her packed bags.

“Axel offered me a job,” she replies.

“A job? You work for me!” I slam my fist down on the counter. My words are slurring. Ale sighs before leaning in toward me. Her voice is sympathetic.

“Silas, you don’t need me right now. Axel’s company needs female bodyguards, and if I can protect someone and make a difference, then that’s where I need to be.”

Fuck Axel. He had been trying to get Ale to help him with his new business, which seems like his sick way of getting what he wants. Which, last I checked, is a green-eyed Russian mob princess. He started an entire business to gain control of her, while the world sees him as a savior.

“Adios.” I wave at them.

“Silas, you’re a fucking mess right now. And judging by the looks of those papers, things are about to get a hell of a lot messier,” Ale says.

I look down at the papers Axel had set down. The words look blurry, so I bring them closer to read. I blink a few times until the words become visible. One word that throws itself in my face.Divorce.I stand up but stumble the moment I do. Ale catches me. Their voices mumble together, and for a moment, I see two of each of them. I think I fall, but I don’t hit anything hard. My eyes are closed, but I can hear their voices.

“You fucking Maciases are all so hard-headed,” Axel grunts out.

“And you Reyes are all fucking psychopaths! Just move him to the sofa,” Ale says.

I feel my body lifting before I hit a soft surface. I hear the door close, and it’s the last thing I hear before they leave me alone. I let the sleep take me, and I dream about the devil, in her red bottom shoes and black lipstick.Divorce?Over my dead fucking body.

Alma: Um, excuse me, but where is the photo of the day?

Alma pesters Mireya for daily pictures of the newest edition to the Consuelo family. I look at the picture Mireya sends, and a smile spreads over my face. I love babies. In the “aww, they are so cute, I want to squeeze them” way, not in the “I want one” way. Mireya sends an image of my tiny little nephew, sound asleep in his baby swing.

Thalia: My chulo.

Alma: *heart eyes, kissy face, heart eyes, baby emoji*

Thalia: You bitches better be ready for tonight.