Page 29 of Savage Secrets

After they tried the table in two places, she decided to move it to the corner. She set a plant on it and nodded with pleasure. It was definitely more reflective of her personality.

Suddenly, remorse sank in and she bit down on her bottom lip.

Zach always seemed to be watching her so closely, no wonder that he noticed the change in her. “What is it?”

“Do you think it’s wrong of me, moving my dad’s things so soon? Some people would say I need longer to honor his memory.”

Zach took a step closer to her. “The way I see it, you’re melding your belongings with your father’s. I can see how difficult it is for you sometimes, Opal.”

Nodding, she battled back the grief and the matching guilt of continuing to live when everything was still unknown concerning her father’s death. The frustration of the lack of progress in the investigation, and of Feldman coming around.

Add in the way her heart throbbed faster at how close Zach stood and she wasn’t sure what to do with herself.

As if sensing her confusion, Zach took control. He gently closed his hand around her elbow. “Let’s get that coffee.”

With a purpose in mind, they went into the kitchen and she poured them both a mug. The windows were darker as the sun sank behind the mountain.

“We’re drinking coffee a lot earlier than normal. Neither of us have eaten dinner.”

His gaze fixed on her over his mug. “That’s true.”

“I have some leftovers I can warm up if that’s okay with you.”

“I’m not picky.”

Within minutes they were seated at the table, sharing the humble meal. While she’d fed him many times, they didn’t sit and eat together. She and Rainie ate and saved a plate for Zach,who came in to grab it off the counter whenever he took a break from the chores. In the morning, she’d find it rinsed off in the sink.

“This is even better the second time.” He held up his fork loaded with lasagna.

“I agree,” she said around her mouthful. “Rainie doesn’t like it as much as spaghetti, though. She likes to slurp the noodles.”

He chuckled. She noticed the small creases around his eyes that gave him a sexy, weathered look.

As they ate, they discussed the usual issues on the ranch. He got up to fill his plate with another helping, and the phone he’d left on the table buzzed.

Opal’s gaze was drawn to the screen. A woman’s name popped up.

Her spine straightened, and she took a deep breath.

Behind her, he made a noise and quickly sat, reaching for his phone. He stashed it away in his pocket.

Avoiding her gaze, he picked up his fork. “I’m guessing you saw that.”

It hurt knowing that he talked to other women…but she was an adult.

“We never discussed being exclusive, Zach.” She was proud of the matter-of-fact tone she managed to use. “And why wouldn’t you have other women in your life?”

“That’s just it, Opal. I don’t.”

* * * * *

After seeing the text message, Opal fell silent. She stirred the pasta around on her plate, pretending to be absorbed in the action.

He justknewshe’d jumped to conclusions.

He captured her gaze. “It’s not another woman.”

“You don’t need to explain—”