“Yeah, he’s just wet and cold. I’ll grab a towel.”
“I have some spare ones under the sink in the bathroom,” she calls after me.
“Thanks.” I push off the bed to do just that as she quickly reaches for her phone, and I race back to dry off Fudge and wrap a blanket around him to keep him warm, too. He’s shaking like a leaf, God knows how long he was out here. I kiss his head again. “I’m so proud of you.”
A quick phone call to Presley is all it takes and we’re on our way to Piney Paws.
My heart is racing ten to the dozen. I’m holding the little kitten the whole way there while Cole drives slowly, the entire street is slick with ice and snow. Its eyes keep opening and closing. Sweet, trusting little eyes blink up at me. I hope the little dude makes it.
God knows how long the kitten has been out there, it seems to be growing weaker by the minute. I just hope we’re not too late.
Cole finally gets into town, the snow hasn’t stopped all night but there’s still time to get supplies before it gets worse. Thank goodness for snow tires. As soon as he parks, we rush him into Presley’s clinic. Fudge is with us in his pet carrier for a check up as Pres greets us at reception, and quickly takes the little kitten into her consulting room while we fill her in on the details.
“I’ll check him over, get him warm and do everything I can,” she says, taking him out of my arms, still wrapped in my sweater. “You might have found him just in the nick of time.”
Tears well in my eyes. I’ve only held the kitten for the drive over here and I’m already beside myself. I don’t know what I’ll do if he dies.
Cole wraps an arm around me. “He’s in the best hands, Ains — wait, did you just sayhim?” Cole eyes Pres. “With all the commotion, we didn’t have time to check.”
She gives us a little smile, despite the situation. “He’s a he,” she confirms. “Leave him with me. I’ll check on Fudge, too. You’re welcome to wait, or I’ll call you both soon with an update.”
We head out to the waiting room, trying to figure out what to do next while we anxiously wait. “I think one of us should stay here,” I say, “and one of us should go get some supplies for the weekend. I also need to call my mom.”
“That’s a good idea,” Cole says. “I’m happy to run errands while you stay?”
I shake my head. “It’s okay. I can walk up to Chip’s market now, it’s a few minutes away. You stay with Fudge and the little fella.”
He dips his forehead to press mine and for those few seconds; I enjoy his warmth. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ll just grab the basics and call my mom on the way. Maybe we can quickly stop by after we leave here.”
Cole thinks for a moment, tapping his fingers on his chin. I can see he’s worried about the little kitten and it’s so darned sweet. “Alright, but call me when you’re done at Chip’s and let me know what the hospital says. We can head over there after this.”
“Okay.” I rock onto my tippy toes to reach up and kiss him. When his lips softly press to mine, it makes me believe that everything is going to be okay. I just hope the little kitten survives. He wasn’t looking too good in the car. But he’s in the best place now.
“Be careful,” he says.
“I will.” We kiss again. The waiting room hasn’t even opened for business yet, so we’re the only ones here. “Call me if there’s any update.”
Cole nods and squeezes my hand as he watches me leave.
I zip up my puffer jacket as soon as I’m out in the cold air and shove my mitten clad hands into my pockets. I cross the street to make my way down to Chip’s market, just past the Town Hall on the corner. My smile is a weak one at best as I look up to Frosty. He’s covered in snow but still standing, the same for the Christmas tree towering boldly just a few feet away. I hope they both survive with the excessive snowfall we’re going to get tonight. Every year it seems to get worse.
I stop to look up at the giant structure, wondering how the heck Travis, Cole and the guys even got him up in the air. It’s then I feel someone approach behind me and I turn to look.
My breath catches in my throat as I see Drake walking up behind me.
Freaking Drake! I immediately step away, backing up toward Frosty and trying to get over the shock of seeing him here. What the heck? Has he been following me? It’s too late to try and run away from him. He’s right in front of me.
“Drake,” I warn as he stops right in my path. I have no reason to be afraid of him. He’s never been violent, but the look on his face right now… he’s not happy, and his nose looks awful from where Cole punched him. Serves him right.
“You think that was funny the other night when your new boyfriend socked me in the face?” he launches straight into a tirade which startles me.
“Go away!” I hiss as I push off Frosty and quickly take a step to the side, getting around him and trying to run. But he’s too fast and grabs me by the arm. I yelp as he pulls me back.