We pass Emma and the posse of girls who all look over at us.
“Do you kinda get the feeling we’re the talk of the town right now?” I say out of the side of my mouth.
Ainsley laughs. “Kinda.”
My eyes wander over her pretty face and down to her Christmas sweater. “We really need to talk. Why don’t we grab a Christmas cookie or three? I know without looking that my mom still has her eyes onus, then we can find somewhere quiet?”
“That sounds good.”
She’s so damned cute. I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of looking into those big, soulful eyes, the color of the ocean.
“Finally caught you two,” Jessica Lockwood drawls behind us the second we hit the buffet dessert table.Fucking fantastic.
Ainsley and I both share a look and turn simultaneously.
“I have to say, the two of you sure worked hard on the new festivities this year. Regardless of my feelings about the snowball fight and potential insurance claims, I think it’s going to all work out,” she says. Maybe she’s had too many glasses of eggnog, or maybe she really is coming around to the idea.
If only she knew just how hard we had been working on and under the festivities for this year. My mind drifts to Ainsley’s ass planted on the kitchen table while I suckled on her nipples and brought her to orgasm. If only Jessica knew where those paperwork minutes had been.
“I think so, too,” Ainsley says. “Everyone is so cheery and pumped for everything to begin.”
I grin. “You never know, Mayor Lockwood, you might even enjoy it.”
Her lips purse like she’s fighting a smile. “I wouldn’t bet on that, Cole Garrison. And I’m sorry to hear about your mom, Ainsley. Is she okay?”
“Thank you,” Ainsley says, her eyes flicking down to the ground. “She’s doing much better. I think it’s safe to say she’s out of the woods and she should be coming home in a few days.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
I grab another cookie because Mom was right, these are seriously good. Mom’s always been an excellent baker, but she’s kept these a secret. “Well, Ainsley and I were just going to check out Frosty.” I gulp down the last of my drink, hoping I won’t get spots on my tongue for lying.
“I’ll see you both later.” We say goodbye and watch as she waves across the room to stalk somebody else.
“She scares me a bit,” Ainsley says.
“Me too,” I agree. “We’ll never hear the end of it if the snowballs get out of hand.”
Ainsley laughs but quickly sobers, so much so, I glance down at her.
“You okay?”
“I’m good, just — last night was a lot.”
“It was. That’s why we need to talk. Should we try and find a quiet place while everyone else gets sloshed?”
She nods and I take her hand, lacing my fingers around in hers. I lead her to the side exit but as soon as we get outside the snowfall has well and truly started, and there’s no way we can stay out here too long. Frosty or no Frosty.
“My truck?” I suggest, as I look up to the sky.
“Yeah, it’s warm and quiet,” she says, tugging at my hand, making me avert my eyes from the rapid succession of snowflakes tumbling down on us.
I lead her around the corner from the back of the hall out to the parking lot. “I missed you today,” I breathe as we walk briskly. My breath coming out in a puff, making a fog of its own in the air from the cold.
“I missed you, too.” Her hand squeezes mine.
When we reach my truck, I lean into her before I unlock the doors with my fob. She turns and presses her face into my chest and we have a quick cuddle. I tilt her chin up with one finger and bend my head to place a quick kiss on her lips. The only reason I don’t linger or grab her by the waist is because I don’t want the girl to freeze out here. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day. Since you left my bed this morning,” I say, licking my bottom lip, tasting her cherry lip gloss, then I dip my head for another.
She blinks up at me. “Me too.”