Page 20 of Snowed Under

He runs a hand over his hair, and I follow the movement. It’s shorter than last year, but still shaggy. His light, almost curly locks spring back and I feel a jolt in my lower belly. I did just have a dream about McSteamy over here, soit’s not entirely my fault.

“I’m really sorry. He’s a little, uh, particular.”

“You don’t say? I gave him a saucer of milk and he looked at me like Darth Vader about to shoot down Battlestar Galactica.”

He chuckles. “He’s all bark and no bite. Honestly. Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers just moved into the retirement home in town. They used to feed him, so he’s probably just wondering who you are and when you’ll be handing out the treats.”

“I’m not usually a betting woman, but I’m guessing he only likes a certain brand?”

“Got it in one. Don’t blame the little guy, it’s his owner’s fault.” He jabs a finger into his chest. “Foster fail. His owner dumped him at Presley’s clinic a few weeks after the ‘Christmas spirit’ wore off last year. He was in a cardboard box with no blanket or anything. Poor thing could’ve frozen to death.”

My heart softens. “Oh, that’s awful! People are asswipes. No wonder he’s wary.”

“Well, he wandered into your house without permission. You’re allowed to be a little shaken up, especially with those judgy eyes of his.”

Why does he have to be so freaking cute in the mornings? Or anytime? But especially in the mornings when I look like I just barely survived a wild night wrestling a typhoon.

“Oh, he’s got that stare down pat. At the moment, he’s sunning himself on my counter top, wondering where the good snacks are.” We both look over and sure enough, he’s still watching us from his upside down position, his eyes closing every now and again. I can imagine him purring and I melt a little more. I’ve never had a pet before because mymom is allergic, but I love animals. I just don’t know how to handle them or what they need, but I don’t think it could be that hard.

“I can go get him,” Cole offers. “He shouldn’t be just barging his way into your place unannounced. Even if he does think it’s his second home.”

“While I tend to agree, a simple meow would have sufficed.” We both laugh.

Gosh, he’s so easy to talk to. My cheeks burn when I think about the spicy dream I was having and Cole was on top.Holy crap!

I clear my throat for what feels like the thousandth time. “But really, he’s fine, now that I know he’s yours.” He piques an eyebrow and I realize how that sounded. “Not a stray,” I amend, quickly adding, “Not that there’s anything wrong with strays, of course. It isn’t their fault for the situations they find themselves in; it’s dumb humans who are selfish and shouldn’t get a pet if they don’t take the responsibility seriously.” I also babble when I’m under pressure.

He gives me that cute as sin lopsided grin. “As long as you’re sure.”

I start to walk backward. Who’d have thought the safety of my kitchen with the killer cat inside would be a refuge away from the cute boy next door? I mean, it’s too late, he’s seen me in my pj’s for heaven’s sake. And now I want to crawl under my duvet and never come out.

“I’m sure.” I wave behind me. “Anyway, coffee’s calling. I’ll see you soon.”

I’ll see you soon?

He gives me a chin lift. “Countin’ on it.”

I try not to scurry, but that’s probably the only word I can use to describe my movements as I flee back to the safety of the house. I shut the door behind me and lean against it, sighing. When I open my eyes, Fudge hasn’t moved.

“Fudge?” I breathe. “Is that your name?” It could just be me, but I’m sure I hear him purring. “You scared me at first, okay, but now I know Cole is your, uh…Daddy…” My heart rate accelerates.Being a cat Dad is so hot.“We have to learn to co-exist because it’s clear to me that Cole cares a lot about you. And I’m sorry that your selfish humans before him did what they did. Ever heard of karma, Fudge? Well, I believe in it, and when they’re old and gray, I hope they get left out in the cold, too.”

He paws toward me, and my heart softens like gooey caramel. I move toward him and I know it’s a risk, but I slowly reach to him and tickle his tummy. He purrs louder, watching me carefully, but allowing the touch. “You’re a good boy, deep down, aren’t you, bud? Just a little bossy, huh?” Then I lower my voice like I’m a conspirator. “Don’t tellDaddy,but I’ll get you some treats. Only the good kind. It’ll be our little secret, okay?” Then I realize the residents before me used to feed him, and Cole already mentioned Fudge only likes the good treats. I guess that meansDaddyprobably doesn’t care what he gets up to over here.

He’s so soft, and I get the feeling he is kinda sweet in his own way. I think I might have misjudged him, but in my defense, he stalked me into a corner in my own kitchen and hissed at me. I know I’m technically inmyhouse, but Fudge thinks it’shissecond home, and who am I to argue? It’s obvious I need to respect that if we’re going to co-exist.

He rubs his head against my wrist and I think he’s forgiven me for not being Mrs. Curruthers.

I smile. “I think we’re gonna get along just fine.” He stretches out, his body long as he yawns. “And on that note, I’m making coffee. From now on, I’m only sleeping in silk negligees, you know, in case I have to run outside again and have a conversation over the fence with your hot daddy.” I laugh, shaking my head. I don’t know, but I’m sure Fudge purrs even harder. “Just kidding.”



A few dayslater

I press against the kid’s hand with the admission stamp and look around for Ainsley. I got roped into the door entry before I could protest. The damn women of Silver Pines are bossy little things, but it’s not like I can argue. I’d get a clip around the ear from Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Stuber, the principal.

I know Ainsley’s been worried about seeing her ex for the first time, and if he’s any kind of gentleman, which we know he’s not, he’d do well to fuck the hell off and leave her alone. I know guys like him. They don’t know what they’ve got till it’s gone. And once he sees her free and living her life on her own terms, I’ll bet my bottom dollar he’s gonna want back in. I don’t think Ainsley is that down on herself that she’d take a dick like him back after what he did to her, but I wouldn’t put it past the asshole to try. No matter my past history, and it’s been colorful, I’ve never ever cheated and I never would. I’ve never promised a woman anything that I couldn’t live up to, and that’s the truth.