“I worry about you,” she goes on. “Drake was bad news. You deserve to have some fun and not be stressed out all the time like you were with him.”
When your best friend and your boyfriend don’t get along, red flags should not just be raised, they should be waving madly. Then again, I am known to be a people pleaser, and I really thought Drake would step up.
“I know. But maybe I’m fine being single for a while.”
“And that’sokay, too, but I don’t want Drake being mean to you.”
“I wouldn’t give him the chance. I haven’t forgotten how he treated me like a housemaid and then had the gall to cheat on me.”
“Urgh.” She screws up her face. “I don’t know who he thinks he is, but his actions are on him, not you. And a housemaid is something you’re not and never will be. You deserve the best, Ains.”
I smile gently. “Thank you. I told myself this year was about me, and what did I do? Jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. My resolutions for next year are going to look a heck of a lot different.”
“You know what? It’s okay. You fought for something and that’s not a bad thing,” she goes on. “But you deserve so much better. I know you don’t do random hook-ups, but if you were looking for some fun, Cole is the guy for that. Fun with a capital F.”
My eyes shoot up in surprise. “He’s known for being quite the ladies’ man, so I don’t know if ‘having fun’ with someone like Cole is the way to go. Plus, I don’t think I’d be his type.”
She narrows her eyes. “And why not?”
I laugh. “I just don’t know if he seems like the librarian kind of guy.”
“Well, I beg to differ. He really is sweet underneath it all. I used to make mud pies with him when we’re little, and you said yourself, he was really cute last year at the speed dating thing.”
Cole may be known as the charming guy of Silver Pines, but at least he’s not the Love ‘em and Leave ‘em type.
“I admit, he was very sweet at speed dating, but I’m having a vision now of mud pie making.” I screw my nose up and she laughs.
Emma is always looking out for me, heaven help when she runs into Drake. I know she’s got a few things to say to his face that I never could. Eric doesn’t like him either. Frankly, I’m sick of thinking about him, and why was he calling me?
I sigh.
“Turn that frown upside down.” She taps my chin.
“He called.”
I nod.
She shakes her head. “So ignore him. He’s just mad you followed through with moving out.”
“I guess…”
“You do not need to answer to him. He had the girl, and he let her go. Period.”
I wish I had her confidence with all of this. I don’t know how to be brave. I guess doing what I’m doing is brave enough, but I can’t help but wonder if this is all I’m capable of. I don’t mind the small town stuff, butthis?Always being the giver. I read about these men that worship the ground you walk on — not that I’d feel comfortable with a man doing that necessarily — but the fleeting idea is nice. To have a man take care of me for once, what would that look like?
I hug myself. I guess I’ll hold out that the perfect guy really is out there. All jokes aside, I don’t know what love is. It’s not Drake, I know that much. But just because Cole is sweet, and cute, and has a sunshine personality, doesn’t mean we’d be good together. Like Emma said, I don’t do hook-ups. I never have. No shame to women that do, more power to them. But I have to feel a connection, and it’s unlikely I’d feel that over drinks or a coffee. If I did, then sure, I’d explore it.
“I know,” I say when Emma continues to stare at me. “I deserve better. Got it.”
“Don’t just say it because you think it’s what I want to hear. I want you to really believe it.”
“What are you girls talking about?” Mom pops her head around the corner.
Busy-body Emma turns her head and says, “Ainsley and her worth and how she deserves the moon and all the stars.”
Mom’s eyes flick to mine, and her face softens. She pulls off her rubber gloves — yes, my mom is a germaphobe, bless her heart. “Oh, honey. Emma’s right. This move will open up all kinds of doors for you. You’re independent and beautiful, smart and funny?—”