Page 73 of Snowed Under

Ainsley is exhausted, but hanging in there after we went to the police station so she could give her statement over the incident. She insisted she was okay and that we should still go and get the supplies for the weekend. I went into Chip’s Market while she stayed in the car with Fudge. We made our way back to Presley’s, supplies safely in my truck.

Ainsley didn’t want her mom to be worried so we agreed to wait it out on telling her until we get the kitten back, and Ainsley’s had time to process what happened without falling into a heap.

I’m so relieved that she’s okay, and when Drake is out of hospital, he’ll be taken into custody.

The fucker looks like he’s going to survive, though he had a broken leg and several broken ribs from the fall. I don’t even feel one bit of sympathy for him. In fact, I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.

“My God, Ainsley!” Pres says when she comes out to the waiting room and we give her a quick run down what’s happened since we saw her a few hours ago. She wraps her arms around her friend and gives her a big hug. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

Ainsley sniffs, but she nods slowly. “I’m okay, just in shock, I think. I didn’t know what Drake was going to do. He’s lucky to be alive after the fall. I really hope he gets the help he needs.”

I look at my girl in absolute awe. Even now, she should be cussing and cursing his name and wishing he had broken his neck. But she isn’t. She still doesn’t wish any ill will upon him, despite what he did. Her strength and character never cease to amaze me.

“Well, you’ll both be pleased to know Little Ginger is doing just fine. We’ve got him stable and he doesn’t have any injuries. He’s just very exhausted and hungry and needs to put on some weight. I also ran a scan to see if he’s microchipped, but he isn’t. At this point, I don’t know if he’s a stray, or if someone is looking for him and hasn’t had the time yet to register him. But I think with some food, warmth and a little love, he’s going to be okay.”

“Oh, Pres,” Ainsley sobs again, reaching out to her friend as they embrace once more. “Thank you so much.”

“Yes, thank you.” I say as Pres squeezes an affectionate hand on my arm.

“Any time.” She smiles.

“We’re happy to look after the little guy until we find his owners, if he has any,” I add. “I don’t think Fudge will mind.”

Ainsley lifts her head from hugging Presley to look at me. Despite her harrowing ordeal, she smiles at me with so much love in her eyes, I can’t help but smile like a fool back at her. “We’d love that,” she whispers to Presley.

“I’ll go get him,” she says. “I think it would be better for him being with you guys, rather than in a cage here over the weekend with the snowstorm.”

“Sounds good.” Ainsley steps back to my side, and I place a gentle arm around her shoulders.

“And congrats, you two. I knew you would make a great couple.” She winks.

We both smile. “Hey, we could only try to hide it for so long,” I say.

“That reminds me,” Ainsley says. “Parker said you had a little something to share the other night, but Cole and I left before we had time to talk to you again.”

A little smile plays on Presley’s lips as her hands slide down to her stomach. “I’m pregnant again,” she whispers.

“Fuck.” I let out a breath. “Congrats. Trav kept that under wraps.”

“I swore him to secrecy until after the first trimester.”

I reach out to give her a big one armed bear hug. Ainsley wraps her arm around her from my other side as we all share a group hug.

“Congratulations,” Ainsley whispers. “That’s the best news.”

“Thank you,” Pres gushes. “We’re very excited. Now, let me go get the little guy.”

“Do you think we could call him Little Ginger for now?” I ask as Pres heads off to grab him. “Since Pres called him that when she first came out.”

“Seems fitting to me,” Ains says, looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

I touch her face softly with two knuckles. “And maybe we can keep him and share custody as neighbors if no one claims him?”

Her face breaks into a smile, and it’s so fucking sweet to see that after today’s events.

“Cole, I’d love that.”

I incline my head downward and press my lips to hers. “Not as much as I love you.”