Page 6 of Snowed Under

Moving across town is permanent.I remind myself. As if packing up most of my stuff from Drake’s wasn’t hard enough. I’m moving onto bigger and better things. That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway. For one, Drake couldn’t commit properly. When we were together, he always seemed to have one foot out the door. I don’t even know why I moved in with him. In the end, it seemed like all he was after was an unpaid housemaid. And two, I found out he was cheating behind my back.

I sigh, switching on the computer out front. Molly high fives me on the way by with the duster. “Doing a good job, Moll.”

“Someday I’m going to come and work here too.” She beams.

I smile. “I should be so lucky.”

She giggles, taking off to dust the kid’s corner. Another fifteen minutes later and I’m helping the kids on the bus out front and waving them off.

As I head back inside, my phone dings in my back pocket. I pull it out and glance at the message, a slow smile spreading across my face.


So, did you hear about the truck?

Wow, I didn’t know Cole cared so much. Now that’s being neighborly.


They haven’t texted me yet, but they said around 4pm if all goes to plan


I would’ve borrowed Travis’s trailer and done it for you if I’d known

That’s so sweet of him. But at the time I didn’t think to ask anyone, and I figured it was just easier getting someone to do it so I didn’t have to stress. I could’ve moved back in with Mom for a while, but I really need this time to myself to figure out what it is I want. I love my mom, but she can be impulsive and scatterbrained at times. But she’s very loving and has a big heart. She has been on her own for years, but has recently been talking about dating again, so I guess we will see. One thing I didn’t want her doing is worrying about me and Drake, now she’s finally dipping her toe back into the dating pool. I’m a big girl now and I can fight my own battles.


It’s really not much


I hope you’re not gonna be this difficult when I need to borrow a cup of sugar


Haven’t you heard, sugar’s really bad for you. Stevia maybe?


Uh oh, nobody told me the sugar police was moving in next door


Cat’s out of the bag


Text me, I’ll be offended if you don’t




You’ve no idea ??