“How does the snowball fight work exactly?” Travis asks.
I smirk. “Well. Ains and I are currently ironing out the details. My initial idea was having teams of two with a field of bunkers set up through the park, maybe hay bales, and you get a set amount of snowballs to grenade out against your opponent before the timer runs out.”
The guys laugh.
“No wonder Lockwood is less than excited about it.” Justin shakes his head.
“So, you and Ainsley a thing?” Rich tilts his head, switching tact.
I’m surprised by his question, even if I shouldn’t be. The dance thing is all over town with what happened with Drake, and being seen again together at the Noodle Bowl the other night was sure to get tongues wagging.
But I pop a shoulder anyway, because I’m not too sure what we are, even if I know what I wanna be. I need to talk to her first. I know things were electric between us even before we got in the sack, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since this morning. It was so hot the way she tackled me in the car and when she straddled me in my parked truck in the garage. I’m practically salivating when I think about all those tight spaces.
The sex was hot. And then all night in my bed, Lord have mercy.
I want more. Boy oh boy, do I want more. “You know me, a gentleman never tells,” I finally say, as the guys all look to me for an answer.
Travis is the only one not showing any surprise. I’m pretty sure he already knows.
“So this is new?” Justin asks. “Or am I just late to the game?”
“It’s new,” I say. “She’s a cool chick and we’re just getting to know each other.”
“Didn’t she move in next door?” he goes on.
“Yup. She sure did. And my cat has taken a shine to her. I can’t get him to leave her house when he wanders over there.”
“He’s not the only one by the sound of it.” Rich laughs just as we see Jessica Lockwood eyeing us for us from across the way. Now that Frosty is in place, the street lights are about to be turned on. Then we can finally retreat into the hall for some food. Thank God, because I’m starving. “Goin’ for the hot librarian, huh?” Rich nudges me.
I palm the back of my head. It’s fine when I’m thinking or saying it, but not other dudes. “Something like that,” I grit out.
“She’s pretty cute,” Justin joins in, giving me a devilish grin. “That whole librarian thing is pretty smokin’.”
I scowl in his direction, bristling from his words. He holds his hands up, chuckling in some kind of defense. “Hey, man. Just sayin’”
“Fuck, you’ve got it bad.” Travis slaps me on the back good-naturedly. “Happens to the best of us, bro. If you find a good woman, I say go for it. They don’t come around every day.”
“Now this is true,” Jake agrees with a nod. “Take my word for it. It’s worth it.”
“Well, I gotta talk to Ains first,” I say. There’s a few things we need to clarify before I get anywhere near her kitchen table, my truck or my bed again. In fact, talking to her is exactly what I’m gonna do before I get bombarded by Jessica Lockwood and the committee. I’m already on the outs with her over getting our snowball fight approved, and some decisions going over her head a little. Maybe buttering her up with some eggnog in the Town Hall could be in my best interest to ensure things go smoothly.
But first. Ainsley.
I’m half an eggnog in before I find her in the hall with the girls. She’s chatting away to Hank as his kids still run around outside with Parker and Chris’s tribe. I see Marley across the way with some of his friends. I need to catch up with him and make sure he’s on board for the snowball fight arrangements.
I sidle up beside her with a glass of the good stuff. “Need to talk to you,” I whisper, giving her a friendly bump with my shoulder. I nod toward Hank as he starts talking to Marley’s folks next to him.
She turns quickly and holds her hand to her chest. “Shit, you scared the life out of me!” Her surprise quickly turns into a smile as she looks at the glass I’m holding out. “Is that for me?”
“Sorry about that. Consider this a peace offering.”
She quirks a brow. “A peace offering for what?”
I move closer to her ear. “Doin’ what I did to you in the early hours of morning. I feel bad for not letting you sleep.”
I love the way her cheeks darken. It’s delicious.