I can’t help but giggle. It’s so damned easy with him. Effortless.
And being with him so intimately last night was effortless, too.
“I’m sure you don’t want to see it,” he goes on.
“Oh, I would love to. We could do a matchy-matchy for the snowball fight—uh, as coordinators, I didn’t mean?—”
His crinkly smile could win some kind of award, and I practically melt. “What did you mean?” He tilts his head.
Uh, oh. “I just mean, we’re the organizers of this crazy snowball idea of yours.”
He glances toward Tim’s coffee van where my friends are hovering, waiting for their order. “Is that all, Ains?”
I swallow and look down at my boots for a second, it’s all I can do to reign in my composure. Looking at him will just muddle my thoughts even further.
But when I glance up, my eyes trail down to his succulent lips… lips that were unapologetically all over me. And they’re just as divine as they were last night.
“Do you want to be more than that?” His voice is quiet, leaning in so I get an extra whiff of his sexy fragrance. I open my mouth to answer, but my words are stunted by Cole’s friends, namely Travis and Jake, walking up to us. Jake slaps Cole on the back, calling him a slacker, and tells him they need an extra pair of hands to put up Frosty. I glance over to the massive snowman and try to contain my laughter. Jessica Lockwood is hovering close by with some of the other committee members and Cole’s other friends, Rich and Justin.
“I’ll be right there,” Cole assures them.
“Nice sweater.” Travis gives me a wink.
“Thank you.” I smile as I glance back at Cole.
A twitch of a smirk hints at Cole’s mouth. “Later,Shorty.”
“Later.” It’s like our own personal, dirty little secret, but judging by the way everyone keeps smiling at us both, I’m not sure it is so secret anymore.
When we finally inflate Frosty,I stand back with Travis and the boys to inspect it.
“Now that’s a giant snowman,” Rich says, his shoulders shaking with laughter.
It’s still a pretty funny sight, even though this is the third year running that it’s been a thing. Travis now thinks it’s a Silver Pines National Treasure, since it was his idea and all.
The giant town Christmas tree sits at the other side of the Town Hall where Mayor Lockwood has some of the guys already on a ladder, putting up fairy lights.
“If you think that’s good, wait until the Rockefeller Center takes shape with the ice skating rink,” Travis chuckles, rubbing his hands together; the cold is setting in. The giant snowman wasn’t the only thing he outdid himself with. People far and wide know about the make-shift Rockefeller Center, and come all the way here just to check it out.
“Well, at least none of us have to worry about being Santa again this year, since Jake has it covered.” I give Jake a harder than necessary pat on the back next to me. Both he and Charlene volunteered to be part of Santa’s grotto last year right before Christmas, just after the snowstorm hit. Charli was not only his helper, but dressed up as an elf. I’m not sure I want to know what went on in that grotto, truth be told.
He laughs. “All for the kids.”
“Better you than me,” Justin says. “How about you, Cole? Word is you and Ainsley are setting up some snowball fight competition this year right after the Hunger Games treasure hunt?”
“Yeah, Mayor Lockwood had no choice but to approve the idea after it got passed by the council.”
“She seems a bit more reluctant to it than she was to my Rockefeller Center,” Travis mocks, not being able to contain his laughter. “Guess you can’t win ‘em all.”
I side eye him. “Lucky for us, the majority ruled. It’ll be fun, as long as nobody gets a snowball to the eye. That means all of you have to go gentle if we ever wanna pull this off again.”
“Us, gentle?” Justin pats his chest. “It’s gonna cost you if you think we’re not gonna be the champions.”
“It’s for the kids.” I roll my eyes.