Page 50 of Snowed Under

“He never really made me feel beautiful or like a woman, and when he cheated, I sorta believed it had something to do with me.”

“What!” I balk. “You have to be joking?”

She presses her lips together as I stare down at her. I sort of like the fact I have her pinned and that she can’t go anywhere. She can’t hide this time. “It’s not exactly a compliment when someone does that to you.”

“That’s fucking on him, not you. Let me tell you, everything about you is perfect.”

She blinks up at me like she’s trying to believe it. “I’m hardly that, but thank you. It was just a shot to my confidence. But you make me feel like it’s okay to be how I am and say what I feel.”

“I always want you to do that. And for the record, he’s a first class asshole. I wish I’d punched him more than once that night.”

“I don’t think you needed to. He got the message.”


“You know what else?” she murmurs.

I stroke the hair from her forehead with my fingers. “What, angel?”

“I didn’t realize I was such a wildcat in bed. I mean, I don’t think I have ever been like this before. You must bring it out in me.”

I chuckle, not being able to help my smug smile hearing her words. “I fucking love that.”

“It’s true.”

I kiss her on the nose. “What do you say we have a shower, and if you think that means I’m gonna fuck you from behind in my stall, you’d be right.”

“You really can go all night, can’t you?” she giggles.

I grin. Even though her confessions have left me reeling even more about her ex, I don’t want him to ruin our night. “You’ve no idea.”

She slaps me on the ass. “I guess getting some shut eye is out of the question tonight?” Her teasing tone makes me want to put her over my knee. I can imagine her in those sexy glasses, her hair up in a bun as I pull it and spank her naughty ass at the same time.

“Sleep is overrated.”

She leans up to kiss me. “I’ve never agreed with anything so much in my life.”



The snowfall islight in its wake as I wrap my warm scarf around my neck, ready to head out for the annual Silver Pines’ tree decorating show. Frosty the snowman is making his yearly grand appearance in the town square. Travis will be beside himself. I’m looking forward to seeing Presley and little April again.

After last night’s romp in the hay with Cole, one could say I’m a little bleary-eyed. I made my way back to my own home, reluctantly, this morning and haven’t stopped thinking about him since.

Fudge was all snuggly and even made his way into the bed between us.

All I can say is, Cole is a freaking stallion. He didn’t just live up to every promise he made; he exceeded them. The man sure knows how to pump those hips, and my skin flushes thinking back to the things we got up to all night. Thank God for concealer.

Emma picks me up with a little toot out front and I make my way out to her car. Cole is working late, so we agreed to meet at the festivities later on. To be honest, I have jitters and butterflies in my stomach thinking about seeing him again after last night.

I’m not sure I will ever see Cole Garrison in the same light ever again.

“You look cute.” She smiles as I slide into the passenger seat. It’s lovely and warm inside her SUV.

“Thanks, Em, so do you.” She has on a red woolen sweater with a giant snowman on the front, along with dangly Santa earrings. It’s a fun, traditional thing to dress up a little Christmassy for the annual town decorating festival. Everyone gets really into it.

I’m not much better when it comes to the Santa stakes myself. I wore jeans tonight with my snow boots, a white cable-knit sweater with a large glittery Christmas bauble sequined into the wool, and my Christmas scarf with matching gloves.