Page 43 of Snowed Under

She smiles, then looks over my shoulder. “Cole? Is that you?”

I turn to see Cole loitering in the doorway as he casts a little wave.

“Uh, Cole drove me,” I explain quickly.

“Well, that was awfully nice of him. Come in, don’t be shy.”

Cole walks in, hands in his pockets, as he looks up at my mom with those golden brown eyes. “I’m sorry you hurt yourself, Mrs. P?—”

My mom waves a hand. “It’s Valerie. Please, you make me sound like an old woman.”

Cole smiles softly. “Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

“Never. It’ll take more than a knock to the head to keep me down.”

I take in my dear, sweet mom. She’s literally the dearest woman and didn’t deserve a life where she’s had to struggle. Not to mention, meet that asshole sperm donor who lied to her.

I try not to think about my mom dating, as she’s new to the dating scene, but she also deserves to be happy. Times have changed, and I worry about her getting duped, scammed or hurt even more. She’s too trusting, but I won’t let anything bad happen to her.

As if sensing my inner thoughts, Cole gives me a small smile. “Are you okay?”

I nod. “I’m fine. I’m just, you know, it’s my mom?—”

“She’s overprotective of me,” Mom finishes. “Always has been.”

“I’m no such thing,” I protest.

Mom ignores me. “So, you two are really dating?”

I frown. “What?”

“I heard from Mrs. Singer at the crochet club that you two were a thing. Not that I’m surprised,” Mom goes on. “All I’ve been hearing about for a little while now is Cole this, Cole that.”

My cheeks instantly flame. “Ma!”Kill me now.“Please don’t embarrass me!”

Cole’s shoulders shake with laughter. “Oh, please, don’t stop on my account. I’m all ears.”

I throw him a glare, then turn it back on my mom. She’s laughing too. It’s good to see her smile, but it’s also just like her to embarrass the shit out of me.

“I’d better not, but know this: my daughter is the most decent, loving, unselfish person I’ve ever known. If you were to date her, you’d be the luckiest man in the world.”

Tears well up in my eyes. “Mom, stop it.”I wipe one stray tear with my sleeve and she clutches my hand.

“You’ve always been a good girl, Ainsley. You were a blessing. If anything were to happen to me?—”

“It’s not, Mom. They said you’re fine. Don’t talk like that, it’s pessimistic.”

Cole squeezes my shoulder. “You’re right, Valerie, in all that you said. We’re just gettin’ to know each other, but from what I’ve seen so far, it would be an honor to date your daughter, if that’s okay?”

Mom’s eyes brighten. “Of course it’s okay. It’s not my decision, it’s up to Ainsley. But I can see she cares an awful lot about you. Just don’t do anything to hurt her like the last one. I heard about his broken nose.” She doesn’t even hide her smile. “I owe you for that.”

I shake my head. “Ma, nobody owes anyone for anything. Drake showed up at a kids dance intoxicated, and said some pretty mean things about me.”

“I’m agreeing. He deserved it.” My mom’s always been a big believer in doing unto others as you would do to yourself. She’d have absolutely no issue with Cole punching Drake in the face. She never liked him very much.

“I wish I could say I regret what I did,” Cole says. “But I’d be lying.”

Mom chuckles, then starts to cough. I rush to help her sit up and Cole pours a glass of water from the pitcher close by. “Stop fussing, Ainsley Marie.”