Page 38 of Snowed Under

“Yes, and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing.”

“I just didn’t think I’d be your type,” I say honestly.

He bites his lip and my eyes watch the indent it makes as he releases it. “You’re forgetting one crucial thing about me, Ains. I don’t have a type.”

If that isn’t music to my ears, then I don’t know what is. I also don’t want to act like I’m some dowdy nerd with no chance in Hell with a guy like Cole. I’m pretty around the edges, I can appreciate that. I’m small and keep myself fit and healthy enough with a decent-ish body underneath. I’ve learned to tame my wild hair; to the best of my ability, anyway.

He also likes the strong, bold type.I tell myself. I just don’t know if I am at that point. He’s giving me compliments left, right and center and it’s taking everything in me to accept them.

“Do you?” he asks. “Have a type?”

“No, not really. Though, my past taste in men leaves little to be desired, as you now know. I don’t run to the bad boys, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

He chuckles. “Hey, I don’t think that. People pretend to be good all the time. They put their best foot forward, but it’s all fake once you’re past the honeymoon period. Dating is about putting the effort in, regardless of how long it’s been.”

“That’s so true. And, I don’t mean to bring it up, but you have quite the reputation with the ladies of Silver Pines and beyond,” I say.

He folds his arms across his chest, settling into his seat like I’m about to tell him some interesting good night story. “Is that so?” He piques a brow.

“Yes, itisso.” My lips quirk. “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. But a bad-boy construction worker doesn’t exactly pair with a small town librarian. Some would say.”

He laughs heartily, so much so, I put my mug down and glare at him. “Cole! Are you laughing at me?”

He waves his arms in front of him. “Not at you,baby girl; at the situation. And for the record, I don’t care what other people say or think. Contrary to popular belief, I’m no bad boy — I mean, I can be as bad as the next guy if it means protecting a woman’s honor.”

The way he saysbaby girl. Oh my, that sounds hot. AndI can be as bad as the next guy…“I’m grateful for you saying that, and for what you did. I was contemplating kneeing Drake in the nuts as a Plan B.”

“That I’d pay money to see.”

“I like the way you say, baby girl,” I whisper.

He glances up at me and our eyes lock. The chemistry dances around us again, touching the edges and making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside… and tingly on the outside. The rush of blood pounds in my ears, and the heat between my legs is making me dizzy.

“It suits you.”

“Better thanShorty.”

He chuckles. “Don’t touch Shorty, that one’s mine.”

Is it just me, or is he leaning closer as I inadvertently move toward him? He’s like a magnet pulling me in.

“Yeah,” I whisper as his fingers touch me on the arm. Light strokes dance along my skin, causing gooseflesh all over me. I cinch closer still, our faces an inch apart, but he doesn’t kiss me. He leans right in, pulling his chair toward me and breathes into my neck.

I sigh, feeling his warm breath skating along my heated flesh, his nose brushing over my jaw.

“You smell good,” he whispers against my neck. “Good enough to eat.”

Thank God for my marshmallow fragrance. It’s a sweet scent, which skirts around a sugar magnolia, vanilla and rose combination, with top notes of marshmallow.

My heart rate skips a beat at hearing his words and my body floods with warmth. “Cole,” I murmur. “You’re so sexy.” Other than his mouth ghosting my neck, he’s still not touching me and my insides are literally humming with anticipation.

“You’resexy.” His lips brush against my pulse point as he plants soft, sweet kisses down my neck. He lights up the fire inside me that I’m struggling to contain. I squeeze my thighs together, hoping that might help.

“This bodysuit is driving me crazy.”

“You like it?” I murmur back, wanting to grab him and pull him closer to me, but I keep my palms firmly pressed together in my lap where they’re safe.

“Oh, I love it,baby girl.”