Page 37 of Snowed Under

Has his voice always been that deep? I know it has, but it’s all that more confronting in the tiny space of my kitchen. He waves mynotes in front of me as I settle in.

“I see they proposed the snowball fight in the main park, next to the Rockefeller Center ice skating rink. Nice.”

“Travis made me pull out all stops to make sure his vote was in for a similar theme to last year, given its popularity.”

“I’m one of the suckers that helps build the thing,” he announces. “As well as put up that giant Frosty. It’s a pain in the ass to assemble, not to mention, having to take it down and store it away for the other eleven months of the year.”

“Oh my, it caused such a stir that first year when he waltzed in with his fancy ideas. He really gave Pres a run for her money, schmoozing the council and Mayor Lockwood.”

“Yeah, come to think of it, they seemed fine about all those changes that year. Remember when all we had was decorating the town Christmas tree?”

“Trav definitely changed things up,” I agree. “I think Jessica is just worried about public liability, but I mean, it’s just snow. How much trouble could one really get in?” When I glance at him over my coffee cup, he smiles and gives me a wink.

“You’d be surprised.”

I laugh a little nervously. I hear it in my own voice.

“You know I wasn’t kidding the night at the dance,” he says, taking another appreciative sip of his coffee. I don’t mean to watch his lips linger at the rim of his mug, or how when he pulls them away and sets his mug down, he licks his bottom lip.

“Which part?” I ask on a shaky breath.

“All the parts.”

“I thought you were just acting like you are into me for my ex’s sake, but tonight in the parking lot… and then in the restaurant.”

He laughs quietly under his breath. “None of it was acting, trust me. I like you, Ainsley. Really like you. I’m just sorry that I took this long to do something about it.”

I blink a few times and focus on the top of my mug…since when did that get so damned interesting?I open my mouth but no words come out.

“You’re doing it again,” he says softly.

I raise my eyebrows in question.

“Going all quiet when I say something nice to you.”

“Occupational hazard,” I joke.

“I get it, if you’re not ready?—”

“No!” I start. “It’s like what I was saying before, I’m not used to it. And you’reyouand I’mme. I’m fine with who I am, really. But I know I’m never gonna be tall, blonde or curvy.”

“You don’t have to be. I like you just how you are.” He sighs and sits back in his chair. “I’m not putting any pressure on you, Ainsley. I would never do that. All I know is I’ve liked you a lot since the speed dating thing last year.”

That was almost a year ago and now I think about it, he has been quiet on the dating scene for a while. I mean, has he not seen anyone since then? “I liked the way you jumped in to help at the last minute and kept the crowd under control. You took control and I find that really admirable. Smart is sexy to me, always has been,” he goes on.

I adjust my glasses, trying to structure my next words. “Well, when I have my mind set on something, I kinda just go for it.”

“What about when it comes to men?”

I try not to choke on the hot liquid as I sip.Holy heck. Nope, definitelynotwith men. “Not exactly.” I pause, it’s like my brain is running in slow motion. “Wait. You’ve really liked me since nearly a year ago?”

He pops a shoulder. “I enjoyed myself that night, and not because of the other speed daters.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“Well, like you said, you were on and off with Drake at the time, and I didn’t know if you were into me. That’s the thing, usually I can tell with women, but you’re a little harder to figure out.”

I press my lips together. “I am?”