Page 32 of Snowed Under


She halts the key hunt and looks up to meet my gaze. “No, Cole, he didn’t. Guys aren’t like you. Well, not the ones I’ve known. It probably won’t surprise you to hear that Drake spent more time looking at himself in the mirror than looking at me. I don’t get compliments that often…”

I scrunch my brow as I scrutinize her face. “Are you for real?”

“I’m a librarian, after all. Guys think that’s boring, especially when you’re more on the conservative side and on the committee for the town Christmas decorating committee. I guess being sexy hasn’t really been at the forefront of my mind, or my motive to finding a man who doesn’t cheat.”

I feel disgusted that any man could do that, especially to her. “I’m sorry he did that. He’s a jerk. He’s just sorry he got caught. And sorry to burst your bubble,Shorty, I’m on the committee too. Does that make me boring?”

She punches me playfully on the arm. “I didn’t mean that.”

“Well, I don’t think you’re boring at all. And yes, I kissed you back. In fact, that’s all I’ve been thinking about.” A quiet little sigh leaves her gorgeous lips as I slide my hand to her hip and tug her gently forward. “May I?” I reach for her glasses and she nods. I push them up onto the top of her head and waste no time in bending down to brush my lips against hers.

Her warmth pulls me into an intoxicating rumble of our lips touching; it’s slow, sweet, passionate… I’m a second away from brushing my tongue past hers while wanting to reach to those pebbled nipples and give them a tug, even though I know I can’t, when we hear voices behind us. The rest of the committee members exit the building and we quickly pull apart.

“Shit,” she giggles, as she looks from Jessica Lockwood walking to her car across the lot, then back to me.

“Wanna grab some dinner so we can pour over our findings for the snowball fight and iron out the creases of this faking dating thing?” I murmur. Yeah, my voice is hoarse just from one kiss in the parking lot and seeing the outline of her sweet little peaks tonight.

“I’d love to,” she murmurs back.

I chuckle and run a hand through my hair. “Sounds like a date.”



I hadno idea I was going to be having dinner with Cole tonight. He is anything, if not unexpected. All day I’ve been reveling about everything that took place last night at the dance. I can’t wrap my head around most of it. I don’t know which part is the most unfathomable; the fact Drake turned up intoxicated and Cole punched him in the face, or the part that happened afterward; before and after the infirmary.

I mean, I initiated it — I kissed him first. It was reckless and irresponsible, definitely unexpected, but I can’t deny it felt right. And he kissed me back. He didn’t freeze and pull away and ask me what the hell I thought I was doing. He reciprocated. And I can’t get my mind off his soft, warm lips and his expert touch.

Could it really be true that he’s into me? I mean, we kissed the second time when no one was around, so he didn’t have to keep up the pretense to Drake, who was long gone, anyway. If my mind serves me correctly, he also admitted to liking me since last year at the speed dating thing.

What really turns me on in a woman isher being comfortable in her own skin, pumpkin onesies or silk negligees, it’s all the same.

I can’t stop running the conversation over in my mind as we divert to the local noodle bar to grab some food.

As we walk, I know the lines are getting a little blurred between us — even now, is this an actual date? Or are we still faking it? Maybe that kiss in the infirmary was just a practice run until Drake finally got the message. Which, I’m pretty sure he would have by now, if his broken nose is anything to go by.

Could it really be possible that it’s true what Cole says; that he actually likes me for me? That he digs me being a boring librarian? I mean, I don’t for one minute think he’s lying about it, he’s not like that. But he was the resident fuck boy for a while there.

But me believing that it’s true is more about my confidence than anything else.

I straighten myself out as I walk up to the doors of the restaurant. Cole reaches out to the handle and pulls it open for me.

“Ladies first.” He gestures with his hand.

I smile and step inside to the warm noodle bar where the delectable smells of mixed spices and lemongrass in the air overtake my senses and my stomach rumbles in response. The food is always good here, and it’s always busy.

Cole glances around as we wait to be seated. The server greets us after a moment and takes us over to a long wooden bar by the window with swivel stools. She leaves us two menus and a pitcher of water with two glasses. “It’s busy tonight,” Cole says as we take a seat.

“Sure is. I think half of Silver Pines is here.” I smile when he slides a menu over to me. “Us being seen having dinner together should set some tongues wagging.”

He chuckles. “I’m sure it’ll be all over town in no time. But that’s not why I asked you to dinner.”

I look at him over the top of the menu. “It’s not?”

“Nope. I enjoy your company. And we have fun, but my stomach is sore from laughing.”