Shit. I don’t need a boner in front of everyone else at the committee table because that would be weird. But I can’t stop thinking about what it would be like to crawl across that table and pull her up onto it so she’s straddling my lap. Her in that sexy tight bodysuit is making me want to drop to my knees. And I would, just to get a taste of her.
I cough into my palm and shift in my seat. Like that’ll help.
“Well, I need you both on top of things and a plan of attack by close of business Wednesday,” Jessica chimes in. “You’ve already gotten an extension because I can appreciate you’re both busy. The more time the good people of Silver Pines have to get used to this year’s proceedings and changes, the better. Christmas is just around the corner.”
I tilt my head towards Ains. “You good with that, neighbor?”
Her lips part and my eyes flick down to her mouth. I stop myself from going further, even though I’vealready seen the faint outline of her nipples in that purple bodysuit. Is she turned on by me? It’s definitely not cold in here.
“I’m good,” she pipes up. “Happy to work hard on this one.”
I save from laughing by leaning over and grabbing a glass from the center of the table. I pour myself some water from the pitcher before I fucking choke on her sexy words.
“Good. Be sure to fill Cole in on what we discussed.” Margaret nods to Ainsley. “She has the minutes all written down.”
Of course she does. My good little girl.
As everyone gets up to leave, I gulp the rest of my water and sidle up beside Ainsley as she scoops up her papers and grabs her jacket off the back of the chair.
We head toward the door together. “You got all that,Shorty?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m fully versed on what to get under and on top of,” she giggles when we’re out of earshot.
“You’re welcome. Those stuffy old timers need to loosen up a little.”
“Tell me about it.”
“I hope they didn’t put you to sleep before I got here.”
We walk to our vehicles and once we get there, I lean on the edge of her car with my arms folded across my chest. I know I texted her after the dance, but I wanted to hear it from her mouth.“How are you feeling after the other night?”
She laughs softly in the moonlight and I’ve never seen a woman look so sweetly pretty. “Do you mean before or after you punched my ex’s lights out?”
I chuckle and press my lips firmly closed for a moment while my mind flicks back to Drake’s shocked face. It’s too bad for him he insulted Ainsley. He has no class. “The guy’s a dick, as we know. So I’d sayafter;that’s when you kissed me.”
She looks up at me from under her glasses. “I’m pretty sure you kissed me back.”
“Guilty as charged.”
She laughs under her breath and glances to her feet. I find myself tilting her chin back up with my finger so she has to look at me.
“Why do you laugh like that and get all shy when I give you a compliment?”
“I didn’t realize I did.”
I pop a shoulder. “It’s just sometimes you seem surprised or uncomfortable with it.”
“I like it.” It’s almost a whisper. It’s a part of her that — I’m slowly learning — is her vulnerability. I like it when she doesn’t look away. I also dig the fact she only comes up to my chest and I tower over her.
“Yes. Without sounding like a Mary Jane; it’s just not a usual thing for me, that’s all.”
“Your stupid ass ex didn’t tell you how gorgeous you are all the time?”
She swallows and breaks our connection by fumbling around in her purse for her keys.