Page 30 of Snowed Under


Will do ??

My friends might call me crazy given the fact I now live next door to the girl of my dreams, but I still want to trundle across town after finishing up a long day just to see her. The dance the other night was a profound moment for us. And I can’t deny I didn’t mind her patching me up and sharing a hot kiss or two. When she told me she’d love a man to take charge because it’s never happened before, it changed things for me.

Seeing her reaction when dickface arrived definitely sealed the deal that she’s over him, and I don’t regret punching him in the face one bit. Perhaps the part where I didn’t wait until I could get the guy outside was an oversight, but since no one really saw there’s no harm, no foul. The last thing I would ever want to do is upset Ainsley, but it’s clear the only person she was upset with was him.

Ains and that sexy tutu. I purse my lips as I drive across town, thinking about it.

She had contact lenses in that night, not that I don’t dig the glasses, but she looked so different. She also straightened her hair, not that I don’t love those bouncing curls, either. It was nice to see how pretty she is under there, when she’s not hiding in her shell.

My sexy little librarian.

Oh, the fun we could have playing that out. I wonder if she’s as adventurous as I am when things get a little sexy. I hope I get to find out one day soon.

Sure, girls in the past have jumped as fast as I have to get naked and have a good time, but I like getting to know Ainsley. And I’m digging the fact she’s right next door. Maybe it is fate, or whatever Charli was going on about.

Fudge has practically taken up residence over at her place, only returning when it’s bedtime, so it’s not like I need an excuse to go over to her place. I need to retrieve my cat at some point. It’s cute she doesn’t mind him visiting, and she’s kept the cat flap accessible to him, which was kind. I also dig the fact he’s made friends with her easily, that’s not like him.

Swinging into the lot, I quickly smooth out my hair and grab my can of ‘oceanic mist’ scented body spray because I didn’t have time to change. I know I don’t smell bad or anything, but I may as well not tempt fate when I’m trying to impress the girl next door.

I tend to think she’s okay with the rugged contractor type, anyway. She knows what I do since I’m always dressed like this: in work pants, boots and usually a tank, or a flannelif it’s cooler, and she doesn’t seem to mind.

I’m half an hour late, but it couldn’t be helped. I smooth my shirt out as I walk hastily toward the hall and swing the door open.

“… So if you can get Cole on board with the snowball details, get back to me by Wednesday if it’s a green light. I need to have everything printed and dispersed around town by Friday.” Mayor Jessica Lockwood is in full swing when I enter.

I attempt to sneak in inconspicuously, but the door slams behind me by accident. All heads turn my way.Awesome.I scan the room and my eyes find Ainsley’s quickly and she immediately brightens, sitting up a little straighter. There’s a little smile forming on her lips as she quickly looks away. I smile, too.

“Sorry—I only just got off work,” I start as I make my way over to the table. “I hope I didn’t miss too much.”

“Just the details for this crazy notion of a snowball fight contest,” Jessica sighs, looking down her glasses at me. Disapproval of my tardiness and the disgruntlement written all over her face; the tight frown and pursed lips give it away.

“Ah, fantastic.” My smile is probably annoying her even more as I rub my hands together. “I came up with a bit of a plan over the weekend. And I’m sure we can put this plan to action swiftly.” I catch Ainsley in my peripheral; she has a little chuckle behind her hand. She’s looking cute and I think she may be wearing a skirt, and dare I say it… a tight fitting bodysuit?

Her blazer is draped over her seat, and I can’t help but smile at the pumpkin-shaped pen resting on top of her ear, disappearing into her high ponytail. One I wouldn’t mind wrapping around my fist and….

“Let’s hope you two can come up with something viable we can work with in the next two days,” Margaret says, looking from me to Ainsley as I pull out the chair opposite my girl and plonk down. “Silver Pines is counting on you.”

“Look, I’m happy for Ains to take charge with this,” I immediately jump in. “I’ve no problem working under her with our collaboration. We all know she has one of the best minds and organization skills this side of Wyoming.” I flatten out my palms to the committee and give Ainsley a Boy Scout smile, barely disguising my grin. Pun intended all the way through my speel. “I’m compliant and ready to work.”

Her cheeks flush a light crimson, and her eyes are a little wide. I love shocking her, and clearly myworking under hercomment hit home.

I probably shouldn’t be saying shit like that in front of Pastor Rick, who’s made an appearance tonight, but what the heck. I’m sure no one caught my innuendo but her.

“Are you happy with that arrangement, Ainsley?” Keith asks. “Cole makes quite a few good points there we can all agree on. You’re more than capable of doing the job. Presley left the management in your hands this year, after all.”

She clears her throat after a moment, which makes me smirk. “Thank you,” she says. “That sounds good. I’m sure we can both geton topof things fairly quickly. And having Cole working under me means that we can get more work done in less time. He’s very capable as well.”

I try not to burst out with laughter. Well, fuck me sideways. Way to go,Baby Girl.I didn’t know she had it in her, but I’m pleased to see she does and she’s having a jibe back at me in front of everyone. She’s so fucking perfect.

Oh, I’m happy to work in, under and all over her. I’m a willing participant on all accounts.

“Sounds like a plan.” I clap my hands together and everyone looks at me.

Pastor Rick definitely has his brow furrowed. I guess he wasn’t born yesterday. I meet Ainsley’s eyes across the table and I see the intensity burning there, though I think she’s trying to distract herself by reaching for her pen and scribbling down some notes. I wonder what she’s writing. “We should catch up, Ains, for a coffee and a chat to go over our ideas. I think getting to the bottom of the rules early is going to be key to prepare for the holidays.” Oh, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t even plan that one.

Her eyes twinkle and the crimson on her cheeks grows a little deeper.