Page 29 of Snowed Under

I brush her fingers with mine, unable to refrain from touching her for another second. “I think it does,Shorty.Just let me know if he bugs you again.”

“I don’t think he will, but I’ve got this. I appreciate what you did, but one thing I’ve learned over the past few months, is I’m a tough little cookie when I need to be.”

Little does she know, I already love that about her. “I could always set my killer cat on him if all else fails.”

She bursts into laughter again. “Fudge? Oh, brother. What will he do, flop on his back and purr him to death?”

I laugh too. “Hey, I’ll have you know Fudge had you headin’ for the hills with just one roar.”

“In my defense, he startled me.”

“I rest my case.”

Really, truly. Tonight has already been the best, and we’ve still got a few more hours of pouring punch and pink lemonade. Life couldn’t be better.



The next daypasses in a blur and I’m scrambling to get to the council meeting after work. That’s gotta be a first. But last night’s dance events have left me wanting more from Ainsley than I first realized. My little crush has quickly bloomed into a full throttle head on collision. One I didn’t plan for.

I texted her today to see if she was okay and to see if she’d be at the meeting. And we exchanged a few messages back and forth;


Hey Ains, hope you’re having a good day & you’re okay after last night.


Hey, I’m good just doing my laundry. How are you?


I’m great. Are you coming to the meeting tonight?


I can’t even try to back out because Presley will be on my case


Me too with Travis


So I guess I’ll see you tonight?


Yep, I have an idea to rev up the festivities this year. Lockwood is gonna hate it


I can’t wait to hear about it


See you tonight