“It’s completely normal, or so doctor Morgan says when I am having my smears…”
“No, I did not queef!”
Lily shuffles in her seat.
“Then what has your cheeks turning crimson?” she asks.
“I orgasmed whilst he was giving me an internal,” I rush my sentence out as quickly as I could.
“Oh my God,” Taylor and Hallie say in unison, Lily’s eyes are wide and Flora is grinning at me.
“Yup, it was humiliating… to come over Sebastian’s fingers when he is giving me a health exam…” My head is back in my hands.
“I think it’s hot,” Hallie pipes up and Taylor is nodding.
“Was he actually… you know?”
“Finger fucking me?” I half laugh half wail.
“Yeah?” she asks, all inquisitive and shit.
“No! He was just giving me an internal.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it now?” Flora smirks and the girls laugh.
“It just happened. I will never be going back there.”
“What if he calls you back?” Lily asks.
“Then I’ll just ignore him.”
“You can’t do that,” she gives me a disapproving look.
“Well, fine, I’ll get my results and then never return, thanks for the recommendation,” I snap, but then burst into laughter as the girls continue to ask me questions.
Walkingarm in arm with Taylor through the quiet streets of London, I feel at peace.
“Thanks for letting me stay… I promise to get out of your way soon.”
She leans her head on my shoulder.
“You don’t have to go, I can move into Theo and Lucas’. I’m there tonight anyway, you can sub let my apartment?”
And I swallow.
“I can’t afford to… I lived with Sloane rent free, my job just doesn’t pay enough for the prices here and maybe it’s time for me to look for something else, put the dream away for a bit and focus on earning some money.”
She sighs.
“Stay for a few months, get settled, then see where we are, yeah?”
I nod.
“You never know, you might have a whirlwind romance with Sebastian,” she stops walking and turns me to face her.
“It’s not a romance book,” I sigh heavily, head tilting slightly.
“But look at me and Bella, never did we think we would get our happily ever after yet here we are,” she smirks, “well, Bella is at home no doubt having the hottest sex of her life and making the most of the sleeping before baby comes in a few months.”