“Tell him to put a hold on things. We shouldn’t take any risks.”
Luigi rubs a hand over his brow. “The Mexican cartels aren’t going to like it. The negotiations are too far underway. They’ll see it as a breach of the agreement we made.”
“The agreement Raphael made, you mean.”
“Yes, Raphael. What difference does it make?”
“I told you it was a bad idea to bring Raphael and the fucking cartels in. Do you think the feds aren’t waiting for a reason to get search warrants?”
“This is your mess, Sav.” He stamps his cane on the floor. “You fucking made it.”
“And I would’ve cleaned it up if Giorgio didn’t go off the rails and acted like Chucky with a knife.”
“It’s all that woman’s fault,” he says, going red in the face.
“That woman is going to be my wife, and she’s the only reason our books aren’t one big fucking train wreck waiting to happen. We can’t launder the money without her, Luigi. You know it.”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” he yells. “You tell me.”
“The cartels are Raphael’s contacts. Tell him to handle them. If their relationship is as solid as he claims, he’ll be able to stall them until the dust settles.”
“If they find out the DEA is breathing down our necks, the deal will be off.”
“Then it’s off. Good riddance. Besides, they already know about the raid.”
“Raphael kept it quiet,” he grumbles.
“No one can keep itthatquiet.”
“Fuck,” he shouts, turning his face to the ceiling.
“Do you need me for anything else?”
He looks back at me. “Keep Giorgio on a tight leash.”
I hold his gaze. “I guess that means the hit on Anya is off.”
His eyes flare ever so briefly before he fixes his mouth in a cold smile. “He told you.”
“You should’ve been the one who told me.”
“Is that why you’re marrying her? To make sure I can’t touch her?”
“I’m marrying her because I need her.” In more ways I can explain.
His lips thin as his smile stretches. “No hard feelings.”
Yeah. I don’t think so.
I return his smile, mine frosty. “Raphael is going to fuck you over at the first chance he gets. This deal is a mistake.”
“So you’ve said. Raphael is family now. He won’t jeopardize our relationship. Elena will soon give him children, and then the blood tie will be complete.”
“I hope for your sake you’re right.”
He waves me away. “Good night, Sav.”